Lecture 1 Flashcards
What is the depression between supraciliary arches called?
The center of the frontonasal suture formed by the articulation of the nasal bones and the frontal bone is the ____
Pterion is formed by the junction between which bones?
The junction between the frontal, parietal, sphenoid, and
temporal bones
An injury located at the pterion might torn the ___________, resulting in ___________
anterior division of the middle meningeal artery / Extradural hematoma
The notch located medially in the superior part of the rim of each orbit?
Supra oribtal notch / foramen
the anterior opening of the nasal cavity
Piriform aperture
In which bone is the infra-orbital foramen located?
Body of maxilla
The angle of mandible is a meeting point for ___ and ___
Body and ramus of the mandible
Point of attachment for muscles that depress the lower lip?
Oblique line of mandible
Point of attachment for muscles in the temporal bone?
Mastoid process
The foramen located in the deep medial part of zygomatic bone?
Zygomaticotemporal foramen
The foramen located in the lateral superficial part of zygomatic bone?
Zygomaticofacial foramen
The coronoid process is a point of attachment for ____ muscle
The point of attachment for posterior belly of digastric muscle is called ___
Mastoid notch of temporal bone
Seen from the posterior view
Junction between coronal stuture and sagittal stuture
The only foramina visible on the superior part of skull
Paired parietal foramina
An imaging technique used to assess skull fractures in 3 axes “lateral, posteroanterior and Towne’s view”
Radiography (x-ray)
An imaging technique ideally used for head injuries by detecting the brain and its coverings and the blood. And by changing its algorithm bones can be demonstrated.
Cerebral CT
With intravenous contrast, ______ can be used to demonstrate the
position and the size of an intracerebral aneurysm before endovascular treatment.
CT angiography
What is the imaging technique with the highest contrast resolution?
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)