LECT Approach to ENT complaint Flashcards
Sinus Exam
Push at eyebrow moving thumbs together (frontal sinus)
Push on inferior aspect of cheek bones superiorly (maxillary sinus)
*frontal sinus do not develop until 8-10 years old
check for tenderness
What do you check with otoscope?
Nose and nasal turbinates
Pale and swollen turbinates
clear rhinnorhea
What do you look for in a mouth exam?
Gingiva, mucosa, lips, buccal mucosa, posterior gingiva, vestibule, anterior gingiva, hard palate, soft palate, tonsillar area, ventral and dorsal aspects of tongue, floor of mouth, lateral border of tongue
What do you look for in the tonsils and throat?
Tonsillar erythema, swelling, and exudate
cobblestoning of pharynx
Torus palatinus
harmless bony growth oral exostosis female>male hereditary no surgery
What do you look for in external ear?
helix, antihelix, entrance to ear canal, lobule, tragus
drainage, redness, tenderness of tragus
Pneumatic otoscopy
Otitis media
bulging Tympanic membrane with erythema
Checking lymph nodes
use finger pads of middle three fingers
Texture- rubbery, soft, hard
Size- pea, quarter, etc.
inflammation of pharynx with sore throat
Has bacterial and viral causes
symptoms: coryza (inflamed mucous membrane), conjuctivitis, malaise, fatigue, hoarseness, low-grade fever suggest viral
Other dx: mono, GERD, postnasal drip (rhinitis), persistent cough), thyroiditis, allergies, foreign body, smoking
Streptococcal pharyngitis
Caused by Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus
Symptoms: sore throat, headache, fatigue, fever, body aches, nausea
Children 5-15 winter and early spring no cough tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy tonsillar exudate fever
Ear infections
middle: air-filled space behind ear drum
otitis media with effusion, acute otitis media (AOM)
Outer: otitis externa
Inner: Labyrinithitis
Acute OM
symptomatic inflammation of middle ear due to bacteria and viruses
Acute Suppurative OM
acute OM with purulent material in middle ear