Leccion Dos Flashcards
to have just…
Acabar de (plus infinitive)
I have just arrived
Acabo de llegar
in spite of
A pesar de
Hurry up! (Mex.)
OK, All Right
Good Luck!
¡Buena suerte!
Of course (clear)
Of course not
Claro que no
Of course (how not)
Cómo no
As you wish, as you like
Como usted quiera
…with much pleasure
I’d be delighted
Con mucho gusto
No wonder (with reason)
Con rázon
How long is it going to last?
¿Cuánto va a durar?
Take care
Watch out
Look out
Take care of yourself
To shake hands
To give the hand
Dar la mano
To stop
Dejar de ( + infinitive)
She stopped seeing him
Dejó de verlo
You’re welcome
of nothing
De nada
Hurry up!
Give yourself haste!
¡Dése prisa!
Road sign
Is that so?
¿De veras?
No sooner said than done
Dicho y hecho
Sleep well
Duerma bien
To Blame
To throw the fault
Echar la culpa
Toss it to me
The pleasure is mine
El gusto es para mí
Encantado, -a
It’s very amusing
Es muy divertido
Ghastly Frightening Awful Repulsive Disgusting
I hope you’ll have a good time
Espero que se divierta
I hope you, he, she will get better
Espero que se mejore
He’s in charge of…
Está a cargo de
This time
Esta vez
Just imagine!
(Mex. slang)
To pay attention
To make a case
Hacer caso
Hecho a mano
Pay attention
(or) Ignore [G. Translate]
(Make a case)
Haga caso
Do it right away
Hágalo pronto
Do me a favor
Hágame un favor
So long
(Till later)
Hasta luego
Just imagine!
I miss her
La echo de menos
Take it away
I miss you (m.), him, it
Lo echo de menos
I’m sorry
I feel it
Lo siento
I saw him again
Lo volví a ver
More or less
Más o menos
Better late than never
Más vale tarde que nunca
I’m glad
Me alegro
I’m glad to see you
Me alegro de verlo (verla)
It amused me
Me cayó en gracia
I feel sorry for him, her, it
It gives me pity
Me da lástima
I had a good time
Me divertí
It hurts me
Me duele
My head aches
My head hurts me
Me duele la cabeza
My knee hurts
Me duele la rodilla
My ankle hurts
Me duele mi tobillo
I miss you, him, her, it
Me hace falta
Better said
Mejor dicho
To stick your foot in it
Meter la pata
How do you do
On being introduced
Mucho gusto
It isn’t fair
It isn’t just
No es justo
You are welcome
There is not for what
No hay de que
It doesn’t matter
[ two ways of saying this ]
No importa
No le hace
Don’t do it
Stop it
No lo haga
Don’t come around with that
Don’t give me that stuff
No me ande con esas
Don’t tell me!
¡No me lo diga!
Don’t bother
Don’t trouble yourself
No se moleste
Don’t worry
No se preocupe
Don’t be long
No se tarde
I’ll be seeing you
We’ll be seeing each other
Nos vemos
You’re wrong
You haven’t reason
No tiene razón
Otra vez
To make things worse
Para peores cuentas
It doesn’t seem possible
It seems like a lie
Parece mentira
It looks as if it’s going to rain
Parece que va a llover
Come in
Pase adelante
Allow me
Allow me to present my friend (to you)
Permítame presentarle a mi amigo
[ Slang term for money ]
Little by little
Poco a poco
You are welcome
Por nada
Of course
Por supuesto
How strange!
¡Qué extraño!
What’s new?
¿Qué hay de nuevo?
What a shame
What a pity
Qué lastima
What does it matter?
¿Qué le hace?
What do you think of that?
What do you think of that!
¿Qué le parece?
¡Qué le parece!
What happened?
What’s up?
¿Que pasó?
How strange!
How rare?
¡Qué raro!
What can I offer you?
What can be offered to you?
¿Qué se le ofrece?
What a surprise!
¡Qué sorpresa!
Of course not
Qué va
It came out well
It went out well
Salió bien
[A word you say when s.o. sneezes,
as well as a toast]
I’m late
It made itself late for me
Se me hizo tarde
I forgot
I forgot it
Se me olvidó
May I?
May I come in?
¿Se puede?
Sit down, please
Siéntese, por favor
Without fail
Sin falta
So soon?
¿Tan pronto?
So early?
¿Tan temprano?
I have an appointment
Tengo un compromiso
You’re right
You have reason
Tiene razón
All the world
Todo el mundo
Bring it to me
To try to…
Tratar de (+ infinitive)
I tried to see him
Traté de verlo
Unas veces
To do again…
Volver a (+ infinitive)
Already, now
Of course
Now I believe it
Ya lo creo
No more, any more
Ya no
I can’t anymore
Ya no puedo
I can’t swim any more
Ya no puedo nadar
I’m through now
I already finished
Ya terminé
He’s here now
He came already
Ya vino
I’m coming
I’m going now
Ya voy