Lección 5 - Estructura Ser vs. Estar Flashcards
What are the uses of Ser?
Nationality and place of origin - Marti`n es argentino.
Profession or occupation - Yo soy estudiante.
Characteristics of people and things - Soy rubio.
Generalizations - Es fabuloso viajar. inherent/unconditional.
Possession - Es la pluma de Maite.
What something is made of - La bicicle es de metal.
Time and date - Hoy es martes. Son las dos. Es el primero de julio.
Where and when an event takes place - La partida es a las siete.
“Ser de” refers to what?
Origin, possession, or what something is made of.
What are the uses of Estar?
Location or spacial relationships - Tu habitation esta
en el tercer piso.
Health - iCo’mo estas?
Physical states and conditions - La puerta esta
Emotional states - Marissa esta feliz hoy. Variable.
Certain weather expressions - Esta
Ongoing actions - Estoy estudiando para un examen.
Ser + adj compared to estar + adjective.
Juan es delgado.
Juan esta ma
s delgado hoy.
ser - Juan is thin. (Is a thin person)
estar - Juan looks thinner today.
Ser + adj compared to estar + adjective.
La profesora es mala.
La profesora esta` mala.
ser - The professor is bad.
esta` - The professor is sick.
Ser + adj compared to estar + adjective.
El puente es seguro.
El no esta
ser - the bridge is safe.
estar - he is not sure.
Ser + adj compared to estar + adjective.
El profesor es listo.
El profesor esta` listo para ir de vacaciones.
ser - The professor is smart.
estar - The professor is ready to go on vacation.
Which are used with ser?
a. Emotional states
b. Physical states or conditions
c. Nationality and place of origin
d. Possession
e. Characteristics of people and things
f. Certain weather expressions
g. Health
h. Ongoing actions (progressive tenses)
i. Time and date
j. Where an event takes place
k. What something is made of
l. Location or spatial relationships
m. Generalizations
n. Profession or occupation
ser- c, n, e, m, d, k, i, & j.
estar - a, b, l, g, f, & h.