Lec5&6 Flashcards
when a baby is just born, what are their head and tooth development like?
- head is about half of total body mass
- no maxi or mandi alveolar process
- natal tooth can be at present (either supernumerary or normal central incisor)
- first primary teeth not until 6 months
what happens during the first 6 months after a baby is born?
- tongue grows down/forward (need airway for milk), so does palatal width
- overjet (maxi way front before mandi) decreases as lower jaw grows faster than upper
baby teeth eruption sequence (6mo to 30 mo)?
- L central (8mo)
- U central
- U lateral
- L lateral
- U 1st M
- L 1st M
- U cuspid* (19mo)
- L cuspid * (20mo)
- L 2nd M (27mo)
- U 2nd M (29mo)
- cuspids are the ones that most variable
- timing can be vary, but the sequence is important
- big time gap (about 7 mo) btwn L cuspid and L 2nd M
- all primary teeth should be out by age 3
what is primary space and why is it important?
- space btwn lateral and canine in maxi
- space btwn canine and 1st M in mandi
- very important for proper alignment of the permanent teeth
- no space with deciduous teeth, very likely to have the same problem with permanent teeth (teeth crowded)
By age 3, what happens?
- all primary teeth are out
- maxi and mandi relationship settle down
* prog-nathism: growing forward
* retro-nathism
* maxi prognathism can be the same issue with or caused by mandible retronathism - the relationship of distal end of opposing secondary primary molar to one another is established and we can expect how it will grow later
1) distal step (later Class II, 14%)– mandi 2nd M toward more distal
2) flush terminal plane (later Class I or end-to-end, 37%)– good match
3) mesial step (later Class I or III, 49%)– mandi 2nd M toward more mesial
* Class II need to be corrected big time!
By age 6, 1st permeant M erupts. What is the ideal angle of 1st M and what are 3 types of malocclusions?
- . Class I molar (ideal, 30%): MB cusp of maxi 1st M occludes in buccal groove of mandi 1st and perfect alignment of other teeth
1. Class I (55%): molar relationship good (MB cusp of maxi 1st M occludes in buccal groove of mandi 1st ) but some significant malposition of other teeth. Maxi canine sits in sits in canine and 1st M in mandi
2. Class II (15%): MB cusp of maxi 1st is mesial to buccal groove of mandi 1st M (overjet looking)
3. Class III (1%): opposite Class II
What can causes Class II or III?
Class II (convex)– maxi jaw forward and/or mandi jaw retro
Class III (concave)– opposite of Class II
How would primary teeth grow into permeant teeth (in molar relations)?
- Distal step (mandi distal)
- w/ minimal grow: Class II
- mandible forward: end-to-end - Flush terminal plane
- w/ minimal grow: end-to-end
- mandible forward: Class I - Mesial step (mandi mesial)
- w/ minimal grow: Class I
- mandible forward: Class III
- End-to-end is perfect alignment btwn the molars
- Class I has mandi molar just a little more mesial
what is ideal teeth?
- Class I molar and canine (upper canine sits distal to the lower canine– btw 1st PM and canine)
- 2mm anterior and posterior overjet
- 2mm anteior overbite
- co-incident dental midlines
what is the typical eruption sequence of mandible?
1st M (6) central incisor (6) lateral incisor (7.5) cuspid (10.5) 1st PM (10.5) 2nd PM (11) 2nd M (12) 3rd M (20)
what is the typical eruption sequence of maxi?
same as maxi but cuspid AFTER 1st and 2nd premolars!
1st M (6) central incisor (7) lateral incisor (8) 1st PM (10) 2nd PM (11) cuspid (11.5) 2nd M (12.5) 3rd M (20)
what are the characteristics of the transition from primary to permanent?
- permanent first molars and incisors erupt first!
- primary molars and canines replaced with permanent premolars and canines respectively
- full permanent dentition includes 2nd and 3rd molars
dental age 6, 7, 8?
Dental age 6?
- mandi center incisor out
- mandi 1st M
- maxi 1st M
Dental age 7?
- maxi centrals and mandi laterals
- root of maxi laterals keep advancing till 8
- canines and premolar crowns are still growing or root just beginning
Dental age 8?
- maxi lateral out
- 2~3 year delay before any more permeant teeth to be out (during age 9~10 – prep time for canines and 1/2 premolars)
dental age 9, 10?
Dental age 9?
- still primary teeth (canines, first/second molars)
- 1/3 of mandi canine root and mandi premolar root is completed
Dental age 10?
- primary canines and molars root gets resorb and their permanent successors bone develop
- half of mandi canine and 1st PM completed
- half of maxi 1st PM root completed
- teeth usually emerge when 2/4 of the root is complete ***
dental age 11~15?
Dental age 11?
- eruption of another group: mandi canine, mandi 1st PM, maxi 1st PM all simultaneously
Dental age 12?
- all succadaneous teeth erupt
- 2nd M normally erupt by end of the time
Dental age 13-15?
- all remaining roots complete
- by age 15, third molar should be visible on radiograph