Lec5 Flashcards
- a class of fungi found in soil, fresh water, and saline estuaries.
- a division of zoosporic organisms in the kingdom Fungi becuse chitin cell walls.
- name is derived from Greek chytridion, meaning “little pot”
- characterized by presence of zoospores during life cycle.
Chytridiomycetes includes a large number of fungi
that are economically dangerous.
F, includes a small number
is one of the most important races of the Synchytriaceae and includes more than 150 species.
- zoospore nucleus divides many times with each daughter nucleus giving rise to a zoosporangium.
- are endobiotic.
- infect wild plants and rarely affect human affairs.
is commonly known as black bread mold + saprotroph
Rhizopus stolonifer
- optimal temperature for growth 25-30 °C.
- spores shaped differently depending on available nutrients.
- grows rapidly and spreads by means of the stolons.
- behave as a parasite of plant tissues
- role in the early colonization of substrata in soil.
Rhizopus stolonifer
defined as the lowest temperature that can kill all cells in ten minutes, is 60°C
thermal death point of Rhizopus stolonifer
fungus parasites with insects, especially flies.
- natural regulation of the insect population.
- Conidiobolus species, only three have been incriminated in human
Economic importance of ENTOMOPHTHORAMYCOSIS
is a saprophytic fungus that causes granulomatous lesions of the upper respiratory tract
Conidiobolus coronatus
(Economic importance of ENTOMOPHTHORAMYCOSIS)
Sexual reproduction by the zygotic spores of the fungus resulting from the mating of two fungal strings in a manner very similar to other azygous fungi.
For which Genus?
- Spoilage of many foodstuffs and crops.
- Producing organic acids
- Alcohol production.
- Production of enzymes
This is an economic importance of?
Rhizopus stolonifer grows rapidly and spreads by?
By means of the stolons.
Synchytrium grows rapidly and spreads by means
of the stolons
F, not Synchytrium, Rhizopus stolonifer
They are characterized by the presence of zoospores during their life cycle.
Most species of Synchytrium infect wild plants and rarely affect human affairs.
terrestrial in habitat, living in soil or on plants and animals
Hyphae typically lack cross walls or septa, therefore are coenocytic.
commonly known as black bread mold.
Rhizopus stolonifer
spores are shaped differently depending on the available nutrients.
is an opportunistic agent of disease,
and cause infection in people with a weakened immunity.