LEC4: Programming for Physiological Adaptations - Hypertrophy Flashcards
Hormones in Resistance Training
- Testosterone
- Cortisol
- IGF-1
What does testosterone do?
Testosterone increases protein synthesis and inhibits protein breakdown rates
RT elicits increase in total testosterone in males, conflicting results show no change to minimal increase in females
Up to 25% ↑ of free T in YOUNG emales post RT (Kraemer & Ratamess, 2005)
Where does testosterone production occur in the body?
Male: pituitary gland, adrenal glands, testes
Female: pituitary gland adrenal glands, ovaries
Testosterone response to resistance training (RT)
- Free Testosterone ↑ in resistance vs endurance training
- Certain training factors will have a greater influence on testosterone
- Sequencing of exercise
- Intensity OR Volume
- Be careful of a threshold of returns: the Yerkes-Dodson Law (the sweet spot)
Testosterone response in females
- Limited concentrations > minimal response to RT
– No acute increase to heavy RT w/ independent variables of rest and load (Kraemer et.al., 1993) - Possible chronic adaptation evident with correct programming (Vingren et.al., 2010)
– Low volume circuit training > ↑ @ 12 weeks / ↓ baseline @ 24 weeks
– Periodized high volume multi set programming > ↑ @12 weeks / ↑ ↑ @ 24 weeks - Physiological adaptations to RT may be as a result of growth hormone (GH) in females
Human Growth Hormone
- Stimulates the uptake of amino acids into muscles
- Secreted by the pituitary gland during sleep
- RT causes the secretion of GH isoforms with extended half lives allowing for sustained action on target tissue including skeletal muscle
- Can also be associated with the upregulation of IGF-1
Human growth hormone (GH)
Temporary elevation of GH ~30min post RT
– Exercise Selection
– Intensity & Volume
– Inter-Set Rest
‘”Stress Hormone” > Stress is Stress is Stress
Detrimental to muscle development (Reduced protein synthesis)
Acute response greatest with High Intensity/High Volume…
– Volume may be the biggest driver
– Longer rest periods also seen to ↓ acute response
Possibly buffered by CHO
“long-term resistance training program attenuates (reduces the effect) basal, or resting, levels of circulating cortisol”
Less of a significant concern IF the person is habitually resistance trained; MAY be of concern with brand new novel stimulus ie/ mixing in a microcycle of ‘crossfit’ type training or some other exposure to a novel stimulus; greater response with low training age
Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF-1)
Provides the main anabolic response for the whole body
– Decelerates proteolysis (mm atrophy)
– Promotes hypertrophy by increasing the rate of protein synthesis
RT enhances acute response
– Exact process unclear but understood that IGF-1 released via mechanical stress responsible for ‘kick starting’ hypertrophy response at muscle cellular level (Shoenfeld, 2010)
Chronic levels affected by long-term resistance training
– Resting Levels = Trained > Untrained males
– Small/No change over short term and overreaching protocols
Henneman’s Size Principle
States that smaller motor units (motor neurons innervating fewer muscle fibers) are recruited before larger motor units (innervating more muscle fibers) during muscle contractions, allowing for precise and efficient control of muscle force.
Type I: low force production, low recruitment electrical threshold
Type II: higher force production, high recruitment electrical threshold
Henneman’s Size Principle: Type I
Type 1 muscle fibers are more oxidative and have a very high training status in most people because they are used constantly.
Henneman’s Size Principle: Type II
Type 2 muscle fibers are used infrequently (never in some) and therefore, have a lower training status and are much more responsive to training.
Max Rep Exhaustive
Heavier loads, longer rest
Target: muscle hypertrophy
Rep range: 5-12
Intensity (% 1RM): 70-85% (Heavy)
Set Range: 3-4 (to failure)
Tempo (E:P:C): 2-4:1-3:1-3
Interset Rest (min): 2-3
Max Set Exhaustive
Moderate loads, big volume
Target: muscle hypertrophy
Rep range: 5-12
Intensity (% 1RM): 50-70% (moderate)
Set Range: 5-10 (to failure)
Tempo (E:P:C): 1-3:1-2:1-3
Interset Rest (min): 1-2
Assistant Strength
Classic body building type work, aesthetic
Target: structural balance
Rep range: 8-15
Intensity (% 1RM): 60-80% (moderate)
Set Range: 2-4
Tempo (E:P:C): 1-3:1-3:1-3
Interset Rest (min): 1-2
Slow Tempo Exhaustive
High TUT achieved through tempo
Target: muscle hypertrophy
Rep range: 5-8
Intensity (% 1RM): 60-80% (moderate)
Set Range: 3-5
Tempo (E:P:C): 4-6:1-3:4-6
Interset Rest (min): 1-3
Low Load Exhaustive
Endurance end of things
Target: muscle hypertrophy/strength endurance
Rep range: 15-30
Intensity (% 1RM): 30-60% (Light)
Set Range: 2-4
Tempo (E:P:C): 1-2:0:1
Interset Rest (min): 2-3
Primary mechanisms that effect muscle growth
- Mechanical Tension
- Muscle Damage
- Metabolic Stress
Three keys to mechanical tension
- The nature of tension (active or passive)
- The role of external resistance
a. The extent of MU firing frequency is influenced by % external resistance
b. Larger resistances = Slower contraction velocities = More actin-myosin crossbridging = ↑ in tension that each fiber produces - The effects of fatigue
a. An increase in fatigue decreases contraction velocity
b. The working muscle fibers become unable to produce the required force to do the work which leads to higher threshold motor units being recruited
c. Slower speeds = more actin-myosin cross bridging = more mechanical tension on the individual fibers
Muscle Damage
Damage can occur to various components of contractile tissue
- Response related to acute inflammatory response
Concentric VS Eccentric?
- Eccentric = ↑ muscle fiber length
- Concentric = ↑ muscle fiber diameter
Although muscle growth can occur in the relative absence of muscle damage, potential mechanisms exist whereby muscle damage may enhance muscle hypertrophy
- release of inflammatory agents
- activation of satelite cells
- upregulation of IGF-1 system
- Set in motion the signaling pathways that lead to hypertrophy
_________ exercise has greater hypertrophic effects compared with other types of actions
Metabolic Stress
Anaerobic glycolysis for ATP results in build up of lactate, hydrogen ions (acid) and phosphates
Muscle ischemia - a restriction of blood flow causing a shortage of oxygen can increase metabolites
Fatiguing sets that produce metabolic stress are directly linked to mechanical tension > more high threshold MU need to be recruited
Key point on “A review on the Mechanisms of Blood-Flow Restriction Resistance Training-Induced Muscle hypertrophy”
Mechanical tension and metabolic stress are both primary mechanisms of resistance training induced muscle hypertrophy
Metabolic stress may play the dominant role in mediating the potent hypertrophic effects seen with blood-flow restriction (BFR) resistance training, but mechanical tension also plays a part
Mechanical tension and metabolic stress act synergistically to mediate numerous secondary associated mechanisms, all of which stimulate autocrine and/or paracrine actions for the induction of muscle hypertrophy with BFR resistance training