Lec3 Flashcards
Primary motor area ⁉️
Pre central gurus
Paracentral lobe
Premotor area⁉️
♦️anterior precentral gyrus
Motor speech area🎤
Inferior frontal gyrus
Primary motor area⁉️
🔅number 4
🔅motor function of the body
🔅body represents upside down
🔅size depends on skill
🔅head in precntral gyrus
🔅foot paracentral lobe
Lesions in primary motor area⁉️
Contra lateral hemiplagya
The motor speech area lesion⁉️
Motor asphagia
Loss of speaking
The area that is the origin of extra paramydal fiber⁉️
Pre motor area
The pre motor area⁉️
♦️area number 6
♦️found anterior to pre central gyri
♦️planning and memorizing the movement
The motor speech area ⁉️
🔸area number 44,45
🔸inferior frontal gyrusv
🔸attached to primary motor area
🔸formation of speech 🎤
🔸connect to the muscles of speech
🔸lesion is called motor asphaigya
Primary sensory area ⁉️
Area 1,2,3
Primary sensory area⁉️
♦️precentral gyrus…..posterior part of paracentral lobe
♦️receive sensational from oposite side
♦️lesions in this area lead to loss of sensation
Secondry sensory area ⁉️
Secondary sensory area ⁉️
♦️lesson ➡️asreogenosis
♦️function ➡️sterognisi
♦️found in superior parital gyrus
Lesions in secondary sensory area ⁉️
♦️superior parital gyrus ➡️asterogenisi
Speech sensory area ⁉️
Speech sensory area ⁉️
♦️inferior parital gyrus
♦️connect to
Audio area
Visual area
Motor speech 🎤
♦️fiction ➡️understand written and spoken words
♦️lesion➡️sensory asphgia
Frontal eye afea ⁉️
Prefrontal area ⁉️
Frontal eye area ⁉️
♦️superior frontal gyrus
♦️anterior to pre motor
♦️number 8
♦️control eye movement against moving targets
Prefrontal area⁉️
♦️anterior parts of anterior frontal lobe
♦️telling the truth
Written area (exner)
♦️muddle frontal gyrus
♦️apple that person to express hom self
♦️lesions ➡️agraphygia
Lesions in exner area ⁉️
Gustatory area ⁉️
Gustatory area
♦️recognition of taste
♦️found in insulla ➡️deep to lateral sulcus
Audiatory association area ⁉️
Audiatory association area ⁉️
🔶behind primary area
🔶reconstruction of sound
Primary audio area ⁉️
Primary Audiatory area ⁉️
♦️midddle part of superior temporal gyrus
♦️posterior rami of lateral sulcus
♦️hesh area
Lesions in hesh area 😂
Demnish hearing