lec2 Flashcards
things that are same in animal cell and plant cell
endoplasmic reticulm mitochondreon plasma memberane golgi apparatus
in animal cells but not plant cells
lysosomes centriole flagella
in plant cells but not animal cells
chloroplasts vacoule tonoplast cell wall plasmodesmata
plant cell vacoule
plant cell has large vacuole but animal cell very small
DNA wrapped on histone protein
nucleus has how many memb
double memb
where is ribosome made
nucleus is perforated with
ribosome catalysis is done by
ribosomes are actually
what does ribosomes do
make proteins using mrna protein synthesis
where does ribosome sit and what does it do
it sits on er and makes protein
where does mrna in ribosome sit
sits between 2 subunits reads mrna and makes protein
where are prokaryotes in prok
attached to cell memberane
which 3 organelles are ribosomes in
rer chloroplast mitochondrea
where are ribosomes free in
ribosome reads rna and produces encoded protein
er memb is
continuous with nuclear memb
rer has
- After synthesis at the Rough ER, the proteins are then
chemically modified (adding sugars and/or phosphates) inside the ER. -After this they are packaged into transport vesicles and transported to the Golgi endomembrane system.
what does ser do
The Smooth ER does not participate in protein synthesis. -Instead, it synthesises lipids, including cholesterol and phospholipids for the production of cell membranes. -In some cell types the Smooth ER makes steroid hormones (e.g., testosterone or oestrogen). -In the liver the Smooth ER detoxifies drugs. any chemical like paracetemol will be broken down in liver
The mitochondria are the respiratory centres of the cell
Mitochondria: -The site of respiration (the process of harvesting energy from food molecules) -2 membranes. The outer is smooth, while the inner is folded into cristae or shelf-like structures. -They function as semi-autonomous organisms with their own DNA and ribosomes for making some of their own proteins. -The summary equation for cellular respiration is C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2 (oxygen) = 6CO2 (carbon dioxide) + 6H2O (water) + ATPs
respiration occurs between
cytoplasm and mitochondrea
Chloroplasts are a type of organelle called a plastid. They are found only in plant cells. They contain the pigment chlorophyll. Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts. •contain 3 membranes (outer, inner and thylakoid) –inner membrane surrounds a stroma which contains soluble enzymes, ribosomes, DNA, and thylakoids. A stack of thylakoids is a granum. –thylakoid membrane contains the energy transducing machine
• unique to eukaryotes • correlated with the evolution of mitosis • Essential for successful eukaryotic cell division • a dynamic set of filaments • for cell shape, cell support (reinforcement), cell movement set of proteins that help cell move lets animals adopt to extreme shapes memb fingers draped on cytoskeletal proteins put finger inside scarf memberane anology

- Most mature plant cells have one or more vacuoles that typically occupy more than 30% of the volume. - The vacuole houses water, contaning enzymes, ions, pigments, and toxic metabolic byproducts. - Transport of protons from cytosol to vacuole helps keep cytoplasmic pH stable. - Maintains turgor pressure against the cell wall (keeps cell inflated). - Pushes choloroplasts against the cellular membrane (closer to light). very important for life of the plant maintains enough liquid to push content of cell outside pushes chloropolast top also acts as a dumping ground for toxic metabolic products

Extracellular Structures: Cell Wall in Plants and Fungi
- a distinguishing feature of plant and fungi cells (cf animal cells) - rigid structure outside the plasma membrane - consists of polysaccharides - the main one is cellulose (or chitin) - support for the cell - limits cellular expansion, but prohibits shape change