مصدر ابيض Lec1 CNS Flashcards
27.7 Select the correct statement about benzodiazepines
A. All B Z Ds facilitate GA B A mediated Cl¯ influ x
into neu rones
B. Different B Z Ds exert the same degrees of
hyp notic, a n xiolytic a n d a nticonvulsa nt
C. T he B Z D receptor is homogeneous at all
neu ron al sites
D. T he m uscle rela x a nt action of B Z Ds is not
bloc k ed by flu mazenil
27.9 The primary mechanism of action of benzodiaze-
pines is:
A. Dopamine a ntagonism
B. Adenosine a ntagonism
C. Opening of neu ron al chloride ch a n nels
D. F acilitation of GABA-mediated chloride influx
27.10 Select the drug that antagonises diazepam action
A. Adenosine
B. F lumazenil
C. Bicucu lline
D. Valproic acid
27.1 Barbiturates exert the following actions except:
A. Anticonvulsa nt
B. A n algesic
C. Antia n xiety
D. Respir atory depressa nt
27.11 The following drugs exert their action through the
GABAA-benzodiazepine–receptor Cl¯ channel com-
plex except:
A. B aclofen
B. Zolpidem
C. Bicucu lline
D. Phenobarbitone
27.13 The following is a very potent and short acting
benzodiazepine whose use as hypnotic has been
noted to cause psychiatric disturbances in some
A. F lu razepam
B. Nitrazepam
C. Temazepam
D. Triazolam
27.19 Select the correct statement about flumazenil:
A. It is a CNS stim ula nt used as a n a ntidote for
benzodiazepine poisoning
B. It is a CNS depressa nt b u t bloc k s the action
of diazepam
C. It h as no CNS effect of its own b u t bloc k s the
depressa nt effects of benzodiazepines as well
as ba rbit u r ates
D. It has no CNS effect of its own but blocks the
depressant effect of diazepam as well as stimu-
lant effect of beta carbolines
D ما متاكد
28.1 The barbiturate having higher anticonvulsant: sedative
activity ratio is:
A. Pentobarbitone
B. Phenobarbitone
C. B u taba rbitone
D. T hiopentone