Lec: Public Health Laws Flashcards
The Magna Carta of Public Health Workers
The State shall instill health consciousness among our people to effectively carry out the health programs and projects to the government essential for the growth and health of the nation. Towards this end, this Act aims:
(a) to promote and improve the social and economic well-being of the health workers, their living and working conditions and terms of employment
Sanitation Code - whereas, the health of the people, being of paramount importance, all efforts of public service should be directed towards the protection and promotion of health
Presidential Decree 856
COMPONENTS: Water Supply Sanitation Program Proper Excreta and Sewage Disposal Program Insect and Rodent Control Food and Sanitation Program Hospital Waste Management Program
Presidential Decree 856
Community Sanitary landfill or controlled tipping
Excavation of soil deposition of refuse and compacting with a solid cover of 2 feet
Incineration Ecological Solid Waste Management:
RA 9003-
Hospital Licensure Act monitors the hospital license & proper management of wastes as well as renewal of license to operate
RA 4226
Hospital Licensure Act monitors the hospital license & proper management of wastes as well as renewal of license to operate
RA 4226
Otherwise known as the Philippine Clean Air Act , is a comprehensive air quality management policy and program which aims to achieve and maintain healthy air for all Filipinos.
Republic Act No. 8749
Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.
This code upholds a time honored principle that public office is a public trust.
It is the policy of the state to promote high standards of ethics in public office.
Republic No. 6713
The legal basis of primary health care date October 19, 1979, instructs the Department of Health and all officials and personnel of the Department to design, develop and implement programs which will focus on health development at the community level particularly in rural areas; effectively utilize these system in order to control or eradicate the immediate and specific health problems confronting Filipino communities.
Letter of Instruction No. 949
The responsibility for the delivery of basic services and facilities of the national government has been transferred to the local government . This involves the devolution of powers, functions and responsibilities to the local government both provincial and municipal.
Republic Act 7160 of the Local Government Code
The responsibility for the delivery of basic services and facilities of the national government has been transferred to the local government . This involves the devolution of powers, functions and responsibilities to the local government both provincial and municipal.
Republic Act 7160 of the Local Government Code
Provides for the rules and regulations implementing the transfer of personnel, assets, liabilities and records of national government agencies whose functions are to be devoted to the local government units.
Executive Order No. 503
Provides for the rules and regulations implementing the transfer of personnel, assets, liabilities and records of national government agencies whose functions are to be devoted to the local government units.
Executive Order No. 503
Standardized the salaries of government employees which includes nursing personnel.
Republic Act No. 6758
Barangay Health Worker’s Benefits and Incentives.
Republic Act 7883
Philippine Medical Act
This act defines the practice of medicine in the country. A person shall be considered as engaged in the practice of medicine who shall, for compensation, fee, salary or reward in any form paid to him directly or through another , physically examine any person, diagnose, treat, operate or prescribe any remedy for any human disease, injury, deformity.
Republic Act 2382
An act to promote, require and ensure the production of an adequate supply, distribution, distribution, use and acceptance of drugs and medicines identified by their Generic Names.
Generics Act of 1988
National Blood Service Act of 1994
An act promoting voluntary blood donation.
Providing for an adequate supply of blood.
Regulating blood banks and
Providing penalties for violation
Republic Act 7719
Republic Act 7432
Revised Dangerous Drugs Law
– Any person found possessing any dangerous drug during a party, or at a social gathering or meeting, or in the proximate company of at least two (2) persons, shall suffer the maximum penalties provided for in Section 11 of this Act, regardless of the quantity and purity of such dangerous drugs.
Section 14.Jun 7, 2002
Republic Act 9165
Act on Cheaper Medicine
The Law intends to achieve better health outcomes for the Filipino people by assuring that quality medicines are accessible and affordable to as many Filipinos especially the poor.
Republic Act 9502
This Act shall be known as the “Special Protection of Children in Situations of Armed Conflict Act.”
An act providing for the special protection of the children in situations of armed conflict and providing penalties for violations thereof.
Republic Act No. 11188
An Act Promulgating a Comprehensive Policy and a National System Ensuring Newborn Screening
-Newborn Screening Act 2004
Any health practitioner who delivers, or assists in the delivery of a newborn in the Philippines shall, prior to delivery, inform the parents or legal guardian of the newborn of the availability, nature and benefits of newborn screening.
Republic Act 9288
An Act establishing a Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program for the Prevention, Early Diagnosis and Intervention of Hearing Loss
-Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Act of 2009.
Republic Act No 9709