LECȚIA 1 / L01-4 Flashcards
Ce faci / ce mai faci? (informal)
How are you?
Informal way of asking ‘How are you?’
Ce faceti / ce mai faceti? (formal)
How are you?
Formal way of asking ‘How are you?’
Bine, multumesc.
Fine, thank you.
Common response to ‘How are you?’
Scuză-mã, te rog! (informal)
Excuse me, please!
Informal way of saying ‘Excuse me, please!’
Scuzati-mă, vă rog! (formal)
Excuse me, please!
Formal way of saying ‘Excuse me, please!’
Nicio problemã.
No problem.
Equivalent to ‘No problem.’
Nu este nicio problemã.
There is no problem.
Equivalent to ‘There is no problem.’
Nu face nimic / nu-i nimic.
That’s fine.
Common response to ‘Thank you.’
Multumesc mult / multumesc frumos.
Many thanks.
Equivalent to ‘Thank you very much.’
Multumesc foarte mult.
Thank you very much.
Formal way of expressing gratitude
Informal way of saying ‘Thank you.’
Cu plăcere.
You are welcome / With pleasure.
Common response to ‘Thank you.’
Bine ai venit! (informal)
Informal way of welcoming someone
Bine ați venit!
Formal way of welcoming someone
Bine te-am gãsit! (informal)
It’s nice to be here!
Informal way of expressing pleasure in finding someone
Bine v-am gasit! (formal)
It’s nice to be here!
Formal way of expressing pleasure in finding someone
la loc! (informal)
(Please) have a seat!
Informal way of inviting someone to sit down
Luati loc! (formal)
(Please) have a seat!
Formal way of inviting someone to sit down
Used to wish good luck or express celebratory toast
Succes / baft!
Good luck!
Wishing someone success or good luck
La multi ani!
Happy birthday!
Traditional Romanian birthday greeting
Expressing congratulations or well wishes
Weekend plăcut!
Have a nice weekend!
Wishing someone a pleasant weekend
Calatorie placuta!
Have a nice journey!
Wishing someone a pleasant journey
a lua (vb.)
a lua (vb.) = to take
Example: ‘Voi lua locul de la masa.’ (I will take the seat at the table.)
a multumi (vb.)
a multumi (vb.) = to thank
Example: ‘Îi mulțumesc pentru ajutor.’ (I thank him for the help.)
nimic (pron. negativ)
nimic (pron. negativ) = nothing
Equivalent to ‘nothing’ in English
pläcut, plăcut (adj.)
pläcut, plăcut (adj.) = pleasant
Synonym: ‘agreabil’ (agreeable)
problemã, probleme (s.f.)
problemã, probleme (s.f.) = problem
Equivalent to ‘problem’ in English
a scuza (vb.)
a scuza (vb.) = to excuse
Example: ‘Mă scuză, am întârziat.’ (Excuse me, I’m late.)
a veni (vb.)
to come
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