Lec 9 - Control of Plasma Osmolarity Flashcards
What is the osmolarity of most bodily fluids?
- Isotonic
- osmolarity is 280 - 310 (300) mOsm/ Kg
What happens to the plasma osmolarity if water intake is less than water excretion?
Plasma osmolarity increases.
What happens to plasma osmolarity if water intake is more than water excretion?
Plasma osmolarity decreases
How much do most people on average urinate?
1 - 1.5L/d
How much do most people on average ingest?
600 - 1000 mOsm/d
What can urine osmolarity vary between?
50 - 1200 mOsm/Kg
What is the major cation of the ECF?
What are the sensors that regulate the changes in plasma osmolarity?
Hypothalamic osmoreceptors
What are the two efferent pathways that the hypothalamic osmoreceptors act on?
2. Thirst
What is the effector in the ADH pathway and what is affected?
effector —> kidney
affected —> renal water excretion.
What is the effector in the thirst pathway and what is affected?
effector —> brain: drinking behaviour
affected —> water intake
In which conditions is ADH release increased?
Under conditions of predominant loss of water, osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus increase the release of ADH from the posterior pituitary.
- increase of 1% in osmolarity increases ASH.
What inhibits ADH secretion?
decreased osmolarity.
What happens to osmolarity when ECV is decreased?
The set point is shifted to lower osmolarity values and the slope of the relationship is steeper.
What do the kidneys do when faced with circulatory collapse?
The kidneys continue to conserve H20 even though this will reduce the osmolarity of body fluids.
What is the analogue of thirst?
Salt ingestion.
How are large deficits in water or an increase in salt compensated for?
- only partially compensated for in the kidney.
- ingestion is the ultimate compensation. –> this is stimulated by an increase in fluid osmolarity also by reduced ECF volume.
How is drinking induced?
it is induced by increases in plasma osmolarity or by decreases in ECF volume.
What does ADH do?
- acts on the kidney to regulate the volume and osmolarity of the urine.
- It increases the permeability of the collecting duct to water and urea.
What happens when there is a low plasma ADH?
What happens when there is a high plasma ADH?