Lec 65/66 Flashcards
neuromuscular disease
autoimmune disease that leads to loss of myelin which is replaced by scar tissue
diffuculty in walking due to damage of myleniated axons of basal ganglia or cerebellum
Multiple Sclerosis
Neuromuscular disease
autoimmune disease in which antibodies attack the ACETYLCHOLINE receptors of motor end plate of muscle cell
Results in decrease of contraction strength
Myasthenia Gravis
neuromuscular disease
abnormal dystrophin molecule alters the transmission of muscle tension
results in muscle weakness and damage to cell membrane
causes dysfunction connection of cytoskeleton to ECM
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Cardiovascular Disease
accumulation of fluid in pericardial space
decreases ventricular space – preventing expansion of ventricles
DEC ventricular preload – DEC Cardiac output – hypotension
TX - pericardiocentesis to INC PRELOAD
Pericardial Tamponade
cardiovascular disease
narrowing of aortic valve so ventricular ejection is impeded – often occurs as a result of calcium deposits on aortic valve
Aortic Valve Stenosis
cardiovascular disease
results from interruption of blood flow through coronary blood vessels
ISCHEMIA results d/t dec O2 levels
Infarction of myocardial tissue
Myocardial Infarcation
INC in HR = myocardial ischemia
decrease in renal perfusion pressure results in the retention of both Na+ and H2O – INC in blood pressure
Renal Artery Stenosis
dehydration = MCC
lodging in ureter – damage to endothelium of ureteres –> pain/blood in urine
d/t diabetes (INC Urine Volume) and mellitus (Sweet)
Glycosylation of basement membrane proteins contributes to the ability of albuminn to pass into Bowmans capsule and to be excreted in the urine
Diabetic Neuropathy
chronic inflammation of pulm airways
increase resistance to airflow
DEC FEV1/FVC ratio
CO binds to Hv
Dec oxygen transport to tissues
CO posioning
blood clot becoming trapped in pulm artery branch
inc total pulm vascular resistance
lack of gas exchange
Pulm Embolism
DEC O2 – HYPOXIA –> dizziness/disrupted sleep d/t cheyne stokes breathing apttern
DEC CO2 – inc cerebral vasodilation –> headache
Acute Mountain sickness
progressive degenerative motor disease d/t damage to substantia nigra of nasal ganglia
Lack of DOPAMINE inhibits thalamus
symptoms = bradykinesia, slowness of movement, impaired balance
progressive neurodegenerative disorder initally by IMPAIRED MEMORY
progresses to dementia/cogn decline