LEC Flashcards
o: maxilla and mandible
i: orbicularis oris at angle of mouth
a: retracts angle of mouth; flattens cheek
Depressor anguli oris
o: lower border of mandible
i: skin of lip near angle of mouth
a: depresses angle of mouth
Levator labii superioris
o: maxilla
i: skin & orbicularis oris of upper lip
a: elevates upper lip
o: Occipital bone
i: skin of eyebrow and nose
a: moves scalp; elevates eyebrows
Orbicularis oculi
o: Maxilla and frontal bones
i: circles orbit and inserts near origin
a: closes eye
Orbicularis oris
o: Nasal septum, maxilla, and mandible
i: fascia and other muscles of lips
a: closes lip
Zygomaticus major
o: zygomatic bone
i: angle of mouth
a: elevates & abducts upper lip & corner of mouth
Zygomaticus minor
o: Zygomatic bone
i: orbicularis oris of upper lip
a: elevates & abducts upper lip
o: temporal fossa
i: anterior portion of mandibular ramus and coronoid process
a: elevates & retracts mandible; involved in excursion
o: zygomatic arch
i: lateral side of mandibular ramus
a: elevates & protracts mandible; involved in excursion
Lateral pterygoid
o: lateral pterygoid plate & greater wing of sphenoid
i: condylar process of mandible & articular disk
a: protracts & depresses mandible; involved in excursion
Medial pterygoid
o: lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid & tuberosity of maxilla
i: medial surface of mandible
a: protracts & elevates mandible; involved in excursion
Intrinsic tongue
o: inside tongue
i: inside tongue
a: changes shape of tongue
Extrinsic tongue
o: bones around oral cavity or soft palate
i: onto tongue
a: moves tongue
o: base of skull, mandible
i: hyoid bone
a: elevates or stabilizes hyoid
o: sternum, larynx
i: hyoid bone
a: depresses or stabilizes hyoid
Soft palate
o: skull or soft palate
i: palate, tongue or pharynx
a: moves soft palate, tongue or pharynx
o: soft palate & auditory tubes
i: pharynx
a: elevate pharynx
o: larynx & hyoid
i: pharynx
a: constrict pharynx
o: anterior side of vertebrae
i: base of skull
a: flex head and neck
o: posterior side of vertebrae
i: base of skull
a: extend head and neck
o: manubrium of sternum & medial part of clavicle
i: mastoid process & muchal line of skull
a: individually rotate head; together flex neck
o: posterior surface of skull & upper vertebral column
i: clavicle, acromion process, and scapular spine
a: extends & laterally flexes neck
Erector spinae
o: sacrum, ilium, vertebrae & ribs
i: ribs, vertebrae, and skull
a: extends vertebral column
Deep back muscles
o: vertebrae
i: vertebrae
a: extend vertebral column & help bend vertebral column laterally
o: cervical vertebrae
i: first & second ribs
a: inspiration; elevate ribs
External intercostals
o: inferior edge of each rib
i: superior edge of next rib below origin
a: inspiration; elevate ribs
Internal intercostals
o: superior edge of each rib
i: inferior edge of next rib above origin
a: forced expiration; depress ribs
o: inferior ribs, sternum, and lumbar vertebrae
i: central tendon of diaphragm
a: inspiration; depress floor of thorax
Rectus abdominis
o: pubic crest & pubic symphysis
i: xiphoid process & inferior ribs
a: flexes vertebral column; compresses abdomen
External abdominal oblique
o: Ribs 5-12
i: iliac crest, inguinal ligaments & fascia of rectus abdominis
a: compresses abdomen; flexes & rotates vertebra; column
Internal abdominal oblique
o: Iliac crest, inguinal ligament, & lumbar fascia
i: ribs 10-12 & fascia of rectus abdominis
a: compresses abdomen; flexes & rotates vertebral column
Transversus abdominis
o: costal cartlages 7-12, lumbar fascia, iliac crest, & inguinal ligament
i: xiphoid process, fascia of rectus abdominis, & pubic tubercle
a: compresses abdomen
Levator ani
o: posterior pubic & ischial spine
i: sacrum & coccyx
a: elevates anus; supports pelvic viscera
o: male- central tendon of perineum
i: m- dorsal surface of penis & bulb of penis
f- base of clitoris
a: m- constricts urethra; erects penis
f- erects clitoris
o: ischial ramus
i: corpus cavernosum
a: compresses base of penis or clitoris
External & sphincter
o: coccyx
i: central tendon of perineum
a: keeps orifice of anal canal closed
Transverse perinei deep
o: ischial ramus
i: midline connective tissue
a: supports pelvic floor
Transverse perinei superficial
o: ischial ramus
i: central tendon of perineum
a: fixes central tendon
Levator scapulae
o: transverse process of c1-c4
i: superior angle of scapula
a: elevates, retracts, & rotates scapula, laterally flexes neck
Pectoralis minor
o: ribs 3-5
i: coracoid process of scapula
a: depresses scapula or elevates ribs
Rhomboids major
o: spinous processes of t1-t4
i: medial border of scapula
a: retracts, rotates & fixes scapula
Rhomboids minor
o: spinous processes of t1-t4
i: medial border of scapula
a: retracts, slightly elevates, rotates. & fixes scapula
Serratus anterior
o: ribs 1-9
i: medial border of scapula
a: rotates & protracts scapula; elevates ribs
Trapezius (scapula)
o: posterior surface of skull & spinous processes of c7-t12
i: clavicle, acromion process & scapular spine
a: elevates, depresses, retracts, rotates, and fixes scapula; extends neck
o: clavicle, acromion process, and scapular spine
i: deltoid tuberosity
a: flexes & extends shoulder; abducts & medially & laterally rotates arm
Latissimus dorsi
o: spinous processes of t7-l5, sacrum & iliac crest, & inferior angle of scapua in some people
i: medial crest oof intertubercular groove
a: extends shoulder; adducts & medially rotates arm
Pectoralis major
o: clavicle, sternum, superior six costal cartilages, and abdominal muscles
i: lateral crestof intertubercular groove
a: flexes shoulder; extends shoulder from flexed position; adducts & medially rotates arm
Teres major
o: lateral border of scapula
i: medial crest of intertubercular groove
a: extends shoulder; adducts & medially rotates arm
o: infraspinous fossa of scapula
i: greater tubercle of humerus
a: stabilizes & extends shoulder & laterally rotaes arm