Lec 4 Flashcards
Which period is least susceptible to functional defect and anomalies?
Fetal period
When is the fetal period?
Week 9- birth ( week 38 or wk 40 gestational)
How much growth occurs during the fetal period?
600% crown- rump length increase! 30,000 % in weight
When is the greatest length gain?
Fetal period, months 3-5
When is the greatest weight gain?
Fetal period, month 8-9
Why are bipariatel or abdominal circumferences important?
Managing pregnancy, birth defects and foetus to canal ratios
What is vernix caseosa?
Greasy protection, accompanied with langugo- hair to hold it in place
What organ develops last?
When is respiratory distress syndrome highest?
Below week 28
Moderate - 28-34
Low 34 to birth
How do you test for RDS? ( respiratory distress syndrome)
Lecithin- sphingomyelin ratio in amniotic fluid
Treated - steroids CPAP prenatal