Lec 22 - Respiratory viral infections 2: Coronaviruses Flashcards
Describe the 3 host determinants and whether they affect the individual or the population.
- Contagiousness (individual) = tropism, disease presentation, lung function, pre-existing immunity
- Susceptibility (individual) = receptors and glycosylation, pre-existing immunity, lung anatomy
- Transmission (population) = social contacts, age-related mixing patterns
What is the classification and transmission of Influenza viruses A-C? What does each type infect?
- Orthomyxoviridae; group 5 (-) ssRNA segmented
- Aerosols causing URT and LRT infections
- A and B infect humans, C infects animals
List the symptoms and complications of Influenza virus infection.
- Symptoms = aches, fever, headache, confusion, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, nausea, fatigue
- Complications = Guillain Barre syndrome (neurological), febrile convulsions, myocarditis, sinusitis, bronchitis, prenatal mortality and prematurity
What is the classification of human coronaviruses? Which are high or low pathogenicity?
- Alpha and betacoronaviruses of Coronaviridae; group 4 (+) ssRNA
- High = SARS-CoV 1 and 2 and MERS-CoV
- Low = alphaCoV 229E and NL63; betaCoV HKUI and OC43
What are the symptoms and complications of human coronaviruses?
- Symptoms = seasonal common cold, otitis media, atopic, bronchiolitis, croup, pneumonia
- Complications = neurological, fatal
What does SARS-CoV-1 infect and how is it transmitted? Where did it originate from?
- Infects = LRT, GI tract
- Transmission = droplets, close contact
- Chinese wet markets = wild game with virus
What are the symptoms of SARS-CoV-1 and how was it controlled? Why was it easy to control?
- Symptoms = fever, malaise, coagulopathy, pneumonitis
- Controlled by traditional public health measures and healthcare facilities
- Transmittable when symptomatic so easily detected
What type of coronavirus is MERS-CoV, where did it originate from and how was it transmitted? List some symptoms.
- Betacoronavirus from Saudi Arabia in 2012
- Transmission = in/direct contact with dromedary camels
- Asymptomatic, fever, cough, shortness of breath, pneumonia, GI symptoms, death
Describe the pathology of COVID-19 from SARS-CoV-2 infection.
- Primary viraemia in lung pneumocytes then secondary viraemia in blood and dissemination
- Brain stem damage = cardiac and respiratory impairment
- Damaged alveoli and pneumocyte = inflammation and alveolar bleeding blocking airways
- Low oxygen levels in blood
List the symptoms of SARS-CoV-2.
Loss of taste and smell, muscle pain, fatigue, acute respiratory disease symptoms
What is the classification and other names of Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome?
- Hantavirus of Bunyaviridae; enveloped segmented (-) ssRNA genome
- Four Corners Disease, Sin Nombre virus