Lec 2 cells of the immune system Flashcards
What are cells of the immune system also known as?
- lymphoid cells
- Mostly white blood cells (leucocytes) that serve as defenders against infection and other diseases.
How do immune systems move?
Move around the body via the lymphatic and blood circulation systems.
How are leucocytes found around the body?
can be found as:
- individual cells throughout the body
- aaccumulates within lymphoid organs(e.g.spleen,LN)
- at sites of infection or inflammation.
Where do all blood borne cells arise from?
pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell in the bone marrow
What are the 2 major lineages of immune cells?
Myeloid lineage(ML) and lymphoid lineage(LL).
What do the 2 major lineages of immune cells differentiate into?
erythrocytes, thrombocytes,basophils,
neutrophils,eosinophils,mast cells, monocytes/macrophages and some dendritic cells.
What are the 2 classifications of leukocytes?
1-Based on morphology into:
Granulocytes: multilobed nuclei and cytoplasmic granules.
Agranular cells: single unlobed nucleus and cytoplasm with few or no granules.
2-Based on type of the immune system and type of immunity into:
Cells of innate immune system or innate immunity
Cells of adaptive immune system or adaptive immunity.
What are the cells of the innate immunity groups?
(in)Nate & MyLo
Myeloid and lymphoid cells
What are the myeloid cells?
My(eloid) DMM from BEN
Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Mast cells Monocytes Dendritic cells
What are the lymphoid cells?
DeNa’s Lymph
Natural killer cells (NK)
Dendritic cells
What are the cells of adaptive immunity and what is their lineage?
Nature’s Den has TB
T-lymphocytes and subsets
NK cells (Natural Killer cells)
Dendritic cells
All are via lymphoid lineage
What are the 4 types of immune cells?
All in the PLMM of your hand! Leukocytes Plasma cells Macrophages Mast cells
What do leukocytes differentiate into?
Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas white blood cells which differentiate into: -neutrophils -basophils -eosinophils -monocytes -lymphocytes
What are the functions of plasma cells?
Make and secrete antibodies
What are the functions of macrophages?
Engulf invading particles
What are the functions of mast cells?
Trigger inflammatory response
What are the types of leukocytes?
Luke Never Lets Monkeys Eat Bananas
- neutrophils
- basophils
- eosinophils
- monocytes
- lymphocytes
What are the types of lymphocytes?
DeNa’s Lymph Cord Below Her Neck
Dendritic B cells Cytotoxic T cells Helper T cells NK cells
What are PMN granulocytes?
BEN's granny is polymorphonuclear! (Polymorphonuclear granulocytes): Neutrophils Basophils Eosinophils
Origin of PMN granulocytes
pluripotent stem cell in bone marrow
Maturation of PMN granulocytes
in bone marrow
Life span of PMN granulocytes
Short-lived cells(2-3 days)
Percentage of neutrophils in the body?
60%-70% of peripheral blood leucocytes(4000-10000 per cubic mm of blood.
How many lobes do neutrophils have? Describe the granules
- Multilobed nucleus(2-5)
- cytoplasmic granules that stain with both acidic and basic dyes.
Half life of neutrophils?
7 hours
Function of neutrophils?
- phagocytosis
2. Important surface structures: MHCI, MHCII, receptors for C3b and Fc of IgG.
How many basophils in the body?
Low in number ,less than 0.2%of leucocytes, largest type of granulocytes.
How many lobes in basophil?
Bilobed nucleus
Granules of basophils?
cytoplasmic granules that stain with basic dyes giving blue color.
Surface structures of basophils?
MHCI, receptor for Fc fragment of IgE.
Function of basophils?
Non phagocytic. Involved in inflammation and allergic reactions .
Amount of eosinophils in the body (percentage)
1-2% of peripheral leucocytes
Lobes of eosinophils
Bilobed nucleus with cytoplasmic granules that stain with acidic dye giving red color
important surface structures of eosinophils
MHCI,receptor for Fc fragment of IgE
Function of eosinophils
nvolved in protection against parasitic helminth(worm) infection and allergic reactions
origin of mast cells?
stem cell in bone marrow
Maturation of mast cells?
Nuclei of mast cells?
Granules of mast cells
Types of mast cells
1-Connective tissue mast cells
2-Mucosal mast cells(in mucus membranes lining the gut and lungs)