Lec 2 Flashcards
What is the SHELL model?
The SHELL model is “a
conceptual tool used to
analyse the interaction of multiple system
What does SHELL stand for and what does the C stand for when included?
S- Software H- Hardware E- Environment L- Liveware (pilot or the person) self L- Liveware the other people. C- Culture.
What are factors that will effect the liveware who is is in control?
Physical factors( i.e. Strength), Physiological factors (i.e. alcohol use), Psychological factors(i.e how they have trained their brain), Psycho-social factors (i.e. External factors, financial problems)
What are the parts of Hofstede’s Scale for measuring a National Culture measure?
Power-distance (PD)
Uncertainty- avoidance ( UAV)
Individualism collectivism (IND),
Masculinity- Femininity (MAS)
What does national Culture affect?
National culture affects the way people communicate and act.
What is a way to measure or define a Nation’s culture?
By Hofetede’s Scale
What is an Organisation culture?
Sub-cultures, either in conflict or support each other, can
form within an organisation
What is a Professional Culture?
Its the individuals cultural identity towards their workplace. If the individual is are proud and strongly motivated it will positively effect their organisation in both safety and efficiently results.
What does HFACS stand for?
The Human Factors Analysis Clarification System?
What is Power- Distance PD?
- Denotes the degree to which power is unequally distributed between managers and subordinates.
- How much a society values hierarchy.
( High level would be found if the employee is afraid to disagree with manger eg China 80)
What is a national culture?
The set of norms, behaviors, beliefs, customs, and values shared by the population of a sovereign nation
What Is Individualism- Collectivism(IND)?
Individualism - you are responsible just for yourself (e.g.) Canada high score 80 Collectivism - you are responsible for society (e.g.) Korea Low score 18
What is Masculinity-Femininity(MAS)?
Masculinity - Competitive - Need to be successful - Femininity -Cooperation -Quality of life -efficiency