Lec 2-4. Descriptive Epi & measures of disease frequency Flashcards
Define case definitions
a set of uniform criteria used to define a disease/condition for public health surveillance
What is the most critical element that must be defined before any of the ‘Who’ of descriptive epi can be acquired?
Case definition.
What does a cluster mean?
Occurrence of disease in a very small population. Smaller than outbreak.
Define Endemic
location that already has a higher than normal frequency of disease but that is their baseline.
Define epidemic
Occurrence of disease clearly in excess of normal. Population is bigger than outbreak.
What is the NNDSS?
CDC’s National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System
What is the Incubation period?
Time between exposure & onset of disease. Basically pt exposed and disease process starts. Doesn’t know if pt feels it or not.
What is the Induction period?
Time between exposure & onset of disease. Basically pt exposed and disease process starts. Doesn’t know if pt feels it or not.
What is the Latency period?
Time between onset & disease detection. Basically how long does it take for someone to find it out.
Define Outbreak
Epidemic limited to a localized increase in occurrence of disease. Bigger than cluster, smaller than epidemic.
Define Pandemic
Epidemic spread world-wide.
Define epidemic curve
Graphical representation incorporating all 3 elements of descriptive epi. Person place time.
What things do epidemic curves visually demonstrate?
Magnitude & timing, and pattern of disease occurrence.
what does Magnitude and timing of disease occurrence mean pertaining to an epi curve?
Magnitude: numerical, we can see numbers. The bar gets taller more cases are being counted. Time: hours, days, months on the speed or aggressiveness of an illness.
Define a sentinel or index case
The first case.
What are two sub categories of Pattern of disease pertaining to an epi curve.
Common/point source (continuous & intermittent) and propagated source.
Define common/ point source (continuous & intermittent)
Not person-to-person spread, by a point source.
Define propagated source
person-to-person spread
What three hypotheses can the epi curve form?
Routes of transmission, probable exposure period, and incubation period.
Why can a disease be categorized as intermittent?
Disease is short lived
What are the 3 basic types of relative measures of disease frequencies?
Proportions, ratios and rates
Define proportions
Simple percentage, part over whole. Division of 2 RELATED numbers. Numerator is a subset of the denominator.
Define ratios
Division of 2 unrelated numbers. Numerator is not part of the denominator.
Define rates
A proportion (%) with TIME incorporated into the denominator.
What are 3 key factors in comparing measures of Disease frequency BETWEEN groups
How many people affected, size of the source population population, and the length of time following that population for that disease to occur.
What do you do when the size of the source population and length of time the population is followed are not the same between populations?
What two terms describe disease frequency?
Incidence and prevalence
Define incidence
New cases of disease.
Existing cases of disease + New cases of disease.
True or False? Prevalence and incidence are both proportions.

Continuing source outbreak

Common/point source no propogation, no sentinal case.

Common/point source with index case and limited spread

Common/point source. intermittent outbreak

Propagated with index case
What are the 5 core functions of the discipline of Epidemiology?
Identify patterns/trends, determine extent, study natural course, identify the causes of or risk factors of health related events, evaluating effectiveness of measures
What is the formula for Incidence?
of NEW cases of illness/ # of ppl at RISK of illness
What is cumulative incidence?
Summed over multiple time periods. As Incidence goes UP then the denominator goes DOWN
What are key words for Incidence questions?
Attack rate or Risk
What is the equation for Incidence Rate?
of NEW cases of disease/ Person-TIME at risk for disease
What is a fixed population?
Stable not changing population
What is a dynamic population?
Constantly changing population
What is the equation for prevalence?
of existing cases of disease/ # of ppl in population
What is point prevalence?
Prevalence at a given time. Example: specific day
What is period prevalence?
Prevalence over a given period time. Example: year, month
What is the eq for Case-Fatality rate?
of cause-specific deaths/ # of cases of disease
What is the eq for cause-specific survival rate?
of cause specific cases alive/ # of cases of disease
What is the eq for proportional Mortality Rate?
of cause specific deaths/ total # of deaths in population
What is the eq for Live birth rate?
of live births/ 1,000 population
What is the eq for Fertility Rate?
of live births/ 1,000 women of child bearing age
What is the eq for Neonatal Mortality Rate?
of deaths in those <28 days old/1,000 live births
What is the eq for Postnatal Mortality Rate?
of deaths in those greater than or equal of 28 days but younger than 1 yr/ 1,000 live births
What is the eq for Infant Mortality Rate?
of deaths in those less than 1 yr old/ 1,000 live births
What is the eq for Maternal Mortality Ratio?
of female deaths related to pregnancy/ 100,000 live births
What is the eq for infectivity?
infected/ # at risk
What is the eq for Pathogenicity?
with clinical disease/ # infected
What is the eq for Virulence?
of deaths/ with infectious disease
Define Morbidity
how many sick
Define Mortality
how many died
What is the eq for crude morbidity rate?
of ppl with disease/ # of persons in population
What is the eq for crude mortality rate?
of all deaths/ # of persons in population
What is the eq for cause-specific morbidity rate?
of people with cause specific disease/ # of persons in population
What is the eq for cause-specific mortality rate?
of case specific deaths/ # of person in population
What does CDC stand for?
Center for Disease Control
What does MMWR stand for?
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
What does WHO stand for?
World Health Organization
What is the eq for survival rate?
those who survived/ all affected
What is secondary attack rate?
measure of frequency of new cases of disease among the contacts of known cases