Lec 1.6: Pharmacological BMT Flashcards
Is mediated by the administration of an agent or combination of agents causing alterations in the level of consciousness, cognition, motor coordination, degree of anxiety and physiological parameters.
Pharmacosedation / Pharmacological Sedation
A minimally depressed level of consciousness that retains the patient’s ability to independently and continuously maintain an airway and respond appropriately to physical stimulation and/or verbal command and that is produced by a pharmacological and non-pharmacological method or combination thereof.
Conscious Sedation
7 objectives of conscious sedation
- The patient’s mood must be altered.
- The child should remain conscious.
- The child should be cooperative.
- All protective reflexes should be intact and active.
- All vital signs must remain stable and normal.
- The child’s pain threshold should be elevated.
- Amnesia should occur.
Is a drug-induced state during which patients respond normally to verbal commands. Although cognitive function and coordination may be somewhat be impaired, ventilatory and cardiovascular functions are unaffected.
Minimal Sedation (AAPD 1998 level 1)
Is a drug induced depression of consciousness during which patients respond purposefully to verbal commands (ex. “open your mouth”) either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation.
Moderate Sedation (AAPD 1998 Level 2,3)
- Is a drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients cannot be easily aroused, but may respond purposefully following repeated verbal or painful stimulation.
- The ability to maintain ventilatory function independently may be impaired.
Deep Sedation (AAPD 1998 level 3, 4)
Indications for minimal or moderate sedation
- Preschool children requiring dental treatment who cannot understand or cooperate for definitive treatment;
- Patients requiring dental care who cannot cooperate due to lack of psychological or emotional maturity;
- Patients requiring dental care who cannot cooperate due to lack of cognitive, physical, or medical disability;
- Patients who require dental care but are fearful and anxious;
- Patients who require extensive dental care and would require or benefit from prolonged visits;
- Patients requiring significant surgical procedures;
- Patients for whom the use of deep sedation or general anesthesia may protect the developing psyche and or reduce medical risks;
- Patients requiring immediate, comprehensive oral dental care.
a normally healthy patient with no organic, physiologic, biochemical or psychiatric disturbance or disease.
a patient with mild to moderate systemic disturbance or disease.
a patient with severe systemic disturbance or disease
a patient with severe and life threatening systemic disease or disorder.
a moribund patient who is unlikely to survive without the planned procedure
a patient declared brain-dead whose organs are being removed for donor purposes.
- Patients who are ______ may be considered candidates for minimal, moderate, or deep sedation or general anesthesia.
- Patients in _______ present special problems, and treatment in a hospital setting should be considered.
- ASA I or II
The pediatric patient shall be accompanied to and from the treatment facility by a parent, legal guardian, or other responsible adult who shall be required to remain in the facility for the entire treatment period.
Responsible Adult
Facilities and equipment for pharmacosedation?
- A positive – pressure oxygen delivery system- 90% oxygen at a 10L/min. flow for at least 60 minutes (650L, “E” cylinder)
- Functional suction apparatus
- Sphygmomanometer
- Emergency cart or kit
- Pulse oximeter
Measures the percentage of oxygenated hemoglobin by evaluating the ratio of absorbed versus reflected wavelengths at a peripheral site (fingertip, toe, bridge of nose, or earlobe)
Pulse oximeter
Hemoglobin saturation should NEVER decrease to _____________?
less than 90%
Drugs used for sedation?
B. Benzodiazepines
C. Barbiturates
D. Non-Barbiturate Hypnotics
E. Opiods
a. Diphenhydramine
b. Promethazine
c. Hydroxizine
a. Diazepam
b. Midazolam
c. Triazolam
d. Lorazepam
a. Pentobarbital
b. Secobarbital
a. Chloral Hydrate
a. Meperidine
b. Fentanyl
- Non-irritating, sweet smelling, colorless gas.
- An inorganic gas capable of producing CNS depression.
- The only inorganic gas that used to produce anesthesia in humans.
- Insoluble in blood, carried in blood in physical solution, does not combine with any blood elements.
- Least potent of all anesthetic gases
Nitrous oxide / oxygen
- Most frequently administered inhalation anesthetic.
- It can be titrated.
- Protective defenses remain intact.
- Used to provide pain and anxiety relief that is quickly and easily reversed without unwanted side effects.
- Patient is awake and fully conscious and able to respond to directions.
Nitrous oxide / oxygen
Is a drug induced loss of consciousness during which the patient is not arousable, even by painful stimulation.
General Anesthesia (AAPD 1998 level 5)
7 Indications of General Anesthesia?
(1) Extensive dental needs in un or pre-cooperative, highly anxious, fearful and unmanageable patients, who resist all means of conventional management procedures including pre-medication and restraints.
(2) Extensive dental needs in severely mentally, physically and or socially handicapped patients.
(3) Medically compromised patients who require a quality of medical care not available on an outpatient basis.
(4) Orofacial and dental trauma
(5) Craniofacial anomalies
(6) Extensive dental needs in children who are allergic to local anesthesia.
(7) Extensive dental needs in patients who reside in remote areas.
Defined as the attempt to alter human behavior and emotion in a beneficial manner according to the laws of modern learning theory.
Behavior modification