Lec 11- Learning and memory Flashcards
definition of learning and memory
- Learning- acquisition of new information or knowledge
- Memory- the retention of learned information
Human memory- Declarative
- Daily episodes
- Words and meanings
- History

Human memory => Procedural
- Motor skills
- Associations
- Priming cues
- Puzzle solving
The temporal lobes and declarative memory
- Electrical stimulation => Temporal lobes => Hallucinations recollection of past experience
- Ablation => Temporal lobes => Retrograde or anterograde amnesia impairment of long term memory
HM and Temporal Lobectomy
- Anticonvulsant resistant seizures
- Bilateral removal of medial temporal lobe was successful in alleviating seizures
- No effect on personality, intelligence or perception
- Extreme anterograde amnesia- lacks the ability to form new declarative memories
- Procedural short term and long term memory was normal
Henry Gustav Molaison
Normal v H.M.

Hebb and memory storage
- Activity will occur (external stimulus) and activate a certain amount of cells within the hippocampus
- Paramydal cells will fire in a certain pattern
- The more times this stimulus occurs then more cells will fire
- After time even if we get a part of a stimulus we can still identify the stimulus as a whole

Hebbs law
- Donald Hebb (1949) a Canadian scientist, said that when 2 neurones are active
- so that one repeatedly releases neurotransmitter at the same time as its post-synaptic partner is firing APs
- Then that synapse will become stronger
- This is call Associativity
- It is sometimes said that ‘cells that fire together wire together’
The neural basis of memory
- Changes in neuronal wiring and synaptic connectivity in response to external stimuli- the stronger the connection the greater the chance of cells firing together
- Modification in the efficacy of synaptic transmission- synaptic plasticity
- Triggered by neural activity and production of second messengers
- Can result from alterations in existing synaptic proteins
- We need both the somatosensory system and auditory system to both converge on another neurone to produce a memory

The hippocampus
- Rats hippocampus takes up a large portion of brain so there capacity for learning is relativly high
- All soma of the neurones line up, all axons from cortex synapse into dendrites
An increase in the strength of a synapse after strong stimulation is called Long Term Potentiation (LTP)
- Titianic stimulus (lots of stimulus in a short amount of time)
- Or many synapses converging at once to give a large stimulation (EPSP)
- Both of these cause Long-Term Potentiation (LTP)- raising the strength of the synapse for a long time such as for life

So why does the EPSP become larger
- Increased excitability of post-synaptic cells- t
- Increased number of AMPARs
- Increase glutamate release- NMDAR stimulation
- Formation of new synapses
- Dependent on age- lose the ability to form memory by some pathways
- All of these- depending on circumstances
Properties of NMDAR LTP (Long-term potentiation)
- LTP is synapse-specific- Activity between 2 cells may only occur at one synapse
- It is induced by NMDAR activation
- It is expressed by AMPAR (the bigger EPSP)
- It is maintained by changes in the number of post-synaptic AMPAR and structural changes (proteins)
Long-Term Potentiation
- Enhancement of synaptic strength of stimulated synapses lasting many weeks (stimulation 100Hz, 1a)
- Input specific
- Displays co-operativity synapses must be active at the same time as neurons are strongly depolarised
- The mechanism involves both pre and post-synaptic elements
LTP INDUCTION has a threshold
- There is a threshold for the establishment of long-term potentiation
- The low rate of stimulation does not depolarize membrane sufficiently- low-level activity can actively reduce the strength of the synapse
- EPSP produced by a high rate of stimulation summate and reach the threshold

LTP is blocking by NMDAR antagonist and by removing Ca2+
- Ketamine, Phencyclidine (PCP)

The NMDAR in LTP- how does it sense pre and post-synaptic activity
- NMDAR sense glutamate- pre-synaptic release
- NMDAR sense depolarisation- Post-synaptic activity
- Dual Gated system
- The NMDAR is a coincidence detector
LTP maintenance- AMPAR insertion
- NMDAR opens
- Ca ion enters and activates CAMK-II
- Linking proteins attach to CAMK-II- Scaffolding proteins pull vesicles to the surface
- AMPAR delivered to the membrane in vesicles
- Additional AMPA receptors inserted in the membrane

AMPAR insertion- ‘silent’ synapses
- Initially, synapses may have the only NMDAR
- If there is sufficient depolarization from a neighbouring synapse, they may become ‘Unsilenced’ and AMPARs inserted into the membrane
- Only NMDAR means no matter how much glutamate occurs there is no stimulation = NO depolarisation (AMPA needs to act first to depolarise to allow NMDAR to activate)
- If we have enough depolarisation at neighbouring synapses that can be enough to shift Mg from NMDAR and AMPA receptors will be inserted hence that synapse can now be depolarised

- Very active dendritic spines can multiply (lumps on dendrites that form post-synapse)
- Spines are the physical correlate of memory
- Not enough activity can cause spines to die (this is why we have to constantly revise for exams because as activity of this synapse decreases it dies)

The Morris Water Maze

- Before training- the path is long, slow and random
- After training- the path is short and direct- grid cells fire in a particular way (synchronize) to map out the maze or path
- Role of place cells- O’Keefe UCL Noble Prize Physiology 2014
- Lesion of hipposampus or AP5
- The training has no effect, path is long, slow, random

The Morris Water Maze
- Rat trained to swim through opaque water to find hidden platform
- Rats hate swimming
- Path of the swim is initially long
- Path gests shorter when rat memorises location of the platform
- Blocking NMDAR in a living rat with AP-5 or MK-801 blocks effect of training
- NMDAR are involved in making real memories
The reverse process-LTD
- Long-term depression
- Also NMDAR dependent
- Non-coincident activity reduces EPSP size
- Synapses constantly under pressure to get stronger or weaker
- This forcing of synapses to reduce there activity EPSP without constant activation (so reduce memory) is known as homeostatic plasticity