Leaves and Absences Definitions Flashcards
Absence Without Leave (AWOL)
Absence or tardiness without proper notification shall be considered as AWOL and the offender shall be disciplined accordingly. Code AW.
Act (The Act)
The Texas Workers? Compensation Act as it exists or may be amended hereafter and otherwise found at Title 5; Subtitle A; Chapter 401 et al; Texas Labor Code.
Approved Doctor?s List (ADL)
A list of medical care providers approved by the City of Houston and the Texas Department of Insurance for care afforded under the Act.
Assigned Shift/Workday
The normal time period or shift schedule to which an employee is assigned to perform their duties (Example - 12 hours for Suppression personnel).
Association Business Pool Leave
Job responsibilities that require an employee to be excused from the performance of regular duties to perform approved Union duties. Code ABPL.
Base Pay
The biweekly salary for each of the job classifications in the HFD shall be an amount in compliance with the appropriate City Ordinance.
Benefit Compensation Upon Separation
Classified employees who resign; retire; or are dismissed shall receive a lump sum payment for all unpaid salary; accumulated overtime; and compensatory time. They shall also receive a lump sum payment for vacation leave; holiday leave; and sick leave in accordance with Texas Local Government Code; Sections 143.115; 143.1155 AND 143.116; and applicable City of Houston Ordinances.
Benefit Year
A plan year related to benefits commencing on September 1 of each calendar year and ending on August 31 of the next calendar year.
Bona Fide Offer of Employment
A written offer of a transitional duty assignment in accordance with Rule 129.5 of the Act.
Calendar Year
The period beginning on January 1 through December 31 of each year.
Case Manager
An employee assigned to the HFD Risk Management Office responsible for monitoring an injured employee?s medical progress and timely return to work.
City Business
Job responsibilities that require that an employee be excused from the performance of regular duties to perform other city-related duties. Code CB.
Classified Personnel
Employees in classified positions of the Houston Fire Department that are defined and subject to the Texas Local Government Code; Chapter 143.
Claims Coordinator
The HFD Risk Management Office employee responsible for the day-to-day claims administration for the HFD Workers? Compensation Program.
Claims Reporting Service (CRS)
The system provided by the Third Party Administrator (TPA) to receive injury claims.
Compensable Sick Leave Plan (CSL)
Defines the sick leave plan granted to employees hired on or after 9-1-85.
Compensatory Time
Overtime hours accumulated prior to 8-1-85 for use as time absent from work at a future date by classified personnel only. CT must be used hour for hour when absent from work. Code CT
Course and Scope of Employment
Relates to the performance of one?s assigned duties as more specifically defined in Texas Labor Code; Title 5; Subtitle A; Chapter 401; Subchapter B; Section 401.011 (12).
Court Related Absences
Paid leave to appear in a legal proceeding in response to a subpoena with certain limitations. Code CB
Covered Family Member
For FMLA purposes; a spouse; child; or parent of the employee.
A husband or wife as defined under State Law. The State of Texas recognizes a common law marriage; but does not recognize a domestic partnership.
A biological; adopted; or foster-care son or daughter; a stepson or stepdaughter; a legal ward; or the son or daughter of an employee standing in loco parentis; and who is either under age 18; or is age 18 or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability.
A biological father or mother; or one who stands or stood in loco parentis to an employee when the employee was a child. This does not include a parent-in-law.
Death-In-The-Family Leave (Funeral Leave)
Leave of absence with pay granted to employees for a death in the family within certain limitations. Code DF
Deferred Holiday
Employees accrue holidays if the holiday is on their scheduled day off or when working on the holiday. Deferred holidays may be used at a later date with prior approval. Code DH
Disabling Occupational Injury
An injury occurring in the course and scope of employment which prevents the employee from returning to regular work on the next scheduled workday following the date of the injury or thereafter.
Dock Time
The actual hours an employee is not at work when regularly or specially scheduled and some form of appropriate paid leave is either unavailable; not authorized for use; or the absence is unexcused. Code AW
Donated Sick Leave
A program (Accrued Leave Donation) in place for seriously ill or injured employees to continue receiving pay after they have exhausted all of their paid leave balances. Employees throughout the City may donate vacation time to another sick employee. Code Dsick
Eligible Employee
FMLA term for an employee who has worked for the City of Houston for at least 12 months and has worked at least 1;250 hours in the 12-month period immediately preceding the date leave begins.
Emergency Leave
Leave granted by Supervisors to allow employees to attend to personal matters of an emergency nature without the requisite advance notice. Employees who are granted Emergency Leave shall be placed on Vacation or Deferred Holiday leave; but not Sick Leave. Employees are expected to return to duty after the emergency has been resolved.
Family Leave
Leave provided under the FMLA other than for an employee?s own serious health condition for which an employee shall use accrued vacation; personal leave days granted under the CSL program; and/or unpaid leave. The FMLA does not permit the use of accrued holidays or sick leave.
Family Leave
Leave to care for a well child after birth or placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care (parenting) during the first 12 months following birth or placement for adoption.
Family Leave
Leave to care for a covered family member with a serious health condition.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
A Federal law that entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks (480 hours) of paid and/or unpaid; job-protected leave in a benefit year; September 1 to August 31.
Floating Holiday
A paid holiday granted each calendar year by City Council that may be taken in a full day increment. The Floating Holiday must be used during the same calendar year awarded or it is forfeited. Code FH.
Frozen Days
Unused; accumulated sick benefit days which an employee accrued; as of August 31; 1985; through the City?s former sick leave (MSP) plan under former Section 14-169 of the City Code of Ordinances; which was replaced effective September 1; 1985 by the CSL Plan.
The position with all essential functions required to be performed by an employee on a full-time basis.
Benefit days off with pay granted annually; by City Council to City employees associated with commonly recognized holidays. All Holidays; when used; will be referred to as a Deferred Holiday Code DH.
Immediate Family
Defined as father; mother; spouse; sister; brother; child; stepchild; grandparent; grandchild; father-in-law; and mother-in-law.
A code or status used for temporary/indefinite suspensions; terminated or retired employees that prevents the employee from accruing any biweekly leave benefits. After an employee is off for 14 consecutive calendar days; the leave code is changed from AW to IA. Code IA
Injured Employee
An employee who is injured in the course and scope of employment.
Injured on Duty Leave
The work time missed by an injured employee due to a disabling occupational injury/illness found compensable under the Act and authorized by Section 14-226 of the Code of Ordinances. Code ID
Jury Duty Leave
Paid leave granted to employees summoned to serve as a juror. Code J
Leave of Absence Without Pay
A period of time during which an employee is excused from active duty; without pay; for a limited time and a specific purpose. Code IA
Medical Leave
Leave; under the FMLA; for an employee?s own serious health condition for which an employee shall use all available accrued sick; vacation; personal leave days granted under the CSL program; and/or unpaid leave to a maximum of 12 weeks in a benefit year. FMLA does not permit the use of accrued holidays or Compensatory Time.
Medical Questionnaire
A series of work-related questions used to query a treating physician regarding the medical status of an injured employee as it relates to the performance of essential functions.
Medical Separation
The non-punitive; non-disciplinary process of removing an injured/ill employee from employment with the City pursuant to Section 14-185 of the City Code of Ordinances or Section 143.1115 of the Texas Local Government Code.
Military Leave
Temporary or indefinite leave with or without pay; to allow employees to either serve in the military or to attend in a military capacity; certain required military functions. The military benefit year is October 1 through September 30. Code ML
Modified Sick Leave Plan (MSP)
Sick leave benefits granted to employees hired by the City on or before August 31; 1985 who filed a written election with the Human Resources Director to be covered by this plan. (City Ordinance 86-140; Amended by Ordinance 89-1033). Code S
Non-Classified Personnel
Employees of the HFD not covered by Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code whose employment is governed by the Municipal Civil Service system; Chapter 14; Houston Code of Ordinances.
Non-Disabling Occupational Injury
An injury occurring in the course and scope of employment from which the employee; although receiving medical attention or first aid treatment; is not prevented from returning to full performance of his regularly assigned job or duties on the next scheduled workday.
Non-Occupational Injury
An injury which does not occur in the course and scope of employment with the City of Houston.
Non-Occupational Illness
An illness or infection (e.g. colds; flu; toothache; etc.) that does not occur in the course and scope of employment with the City of Houston.
Occupational Injury
Physical harm or damage occurring to any employee because of an accident or other event compensable under the Act; occurring in the course and scope of the employee?s employment with the City of Houston.
Occupational Illness
Any disease arising out of employment with the City of Houston which causes damage or harm to the physical structure of the body and such other diseases or infections as naturally results there from; found compensable under the Act. The term shall also include damage or harm to the physical structure of the body occurring as a result of repetitious physical traumatic activities extending over a period of time and arising in the course of employment; provided that the date of the cumulative injury shall be the date the disability was caused thereby.
One sick leave period uninterrupted by a return to duty.
Personal Leave Days
Up to 24 hours of leave with pay granted to CSL employees at the beginning of a benefit year that was earned based on the number of sick leave days/hours used in the prior benefit year. Code P
Phase Down Program
A program that provides classified employees a permissible alternative to the lump sum cash distribution of holiday and vacation leave balances upon separation from service. The Phase Down Program allows a certain number of classified personnel to take leave and extend the payment of their accrued holiday; vacation; and compensatory time balances over a period of time up to and including the total amount of accrued holiday; vacation; and compensatory time leave.
Physician?s Statement (CS227)
A medical report summary completed by the occupationally injured employee?s treating doctor that describes the employee?s injury; medical treatment; work status for possible return to work; and work restrictions.
Place of Recovery
One of the locations defined as place of recovery; at which an employee shall reside and be contacted on their assigned workday while on injury/illness leave.
Place of Recovery
The address and telephone number listed in departmental record.
Place of Recovery
The hospital at which the employee is confined.
Place of Recovery
Any other temporary address specifically approved by an employee?s supervisor.
A medical condition resulting from an occupational injury or illness that occurred previously.
Relief of Duty (Leave with Pay)
Relief of duty with pay is the action taken in assigning an employee to report for alternative duty to a specific location for a specified period of time. Usually the employee is assigned a duty station at his/her residence. Code RD
A voluntary; written relinquishment of City employment.
Risk Management Office
A division within HFD responsible for all documentation and administration of the occupational injury/illness leave guideline.
Salary Continuation
The sum of money; before withholdings and deductions; paid by City funds in conjunction with indemnity benefits to recovering employees who meet the salary continuation program requirements. (Refer to E.O. 1-33)
Sick Family Leave (SFL)
The SFL can only be used for the employee?s own personal illness. To qualify for SFL the employee must complete the Family and Medical Leave documents available from the HFD Human Resource Management office. Code SFL
Sick Leave (MSP or CSL)
When an employee is absent from work due to his/her own non-occupational injury/illness. Sick leave may not be used for any other purpose. Code S
Any employee having supervisory responsibilities (temporary/permanent).
The hours an employee is absent from work due to a written suspension without pay for a temporary or indefinite period of time. Code IA
Temporary Medical Condition
A medical condition with a duration of less than 12 months. An employee with a non-occupational injury/illness; pregnancy; etc.
Temporary Duty
A temporary work assignment to allow an employee with medical restrictions the opportunity to work at his/her level of physical or mental capabilities while recovering from a non-occupational injury/illness.
Third Party Administrator (TPA)
An independent administrator contracted by the City responsible for the administration of Workers? Compensation procedures and benefits to injured workers and health care providers in compliance with the Act.
When an employee is assigned to train on City time. Training includes; but is not limited to; continuing education; Haz-Mat; and EMS. Code TR
Transitional Duty Assignment
A temporary work assignment to allow an injured employee; with medical restrictions; the opportunity to work at their level of physical or mental capabilities while recovering from injuries that occurred in the course and scope of employment.
Unpaid Family Leave
Uncompensated leave granted to employees for Family and Medical Leave who have exhausted all eligible paid leave. Code UFL
Vacation Family Leave
As with the SFL; an employee using accrued vacation leave balances for Family and Medical Leave to attend to a family member. The required documents must be completed; and approved before this leave can be taken. Code VFL
Vacation In Lieu of Sick Leave
Accrued vacation balances used to compensate an employee on authorized Sick Leave for a non-occupational injury/illness when all sick leave is exhausted. It must be approved by the Fire Chief and noted on the employee batch sheet; and employee Form 42. Code V in lieu of S
Vacation Leave
An accrued benefit that allows an employee time off; with pay; authorized by the Fire Chief or designee in advance. Code V
Wellness Day
Compensated time off from work to allow and encourage employees to visit a doctor/health care provider for preventive care. This includes wellness visits; annual dental check-up; and annual eye exams. There is a maximum of 8 hours for each employee per year; which may be used in increments. Code W (for CSL employees); Code WM (for MSP employees).