Leason1 Flashcards
What is an Internet
Is a decentralised communication network that functions outside of central control, independent of all restriction and borders and enables computers to be connected to each other within a network
Basics concepts
Http(hypertext transfer protcal)
Dns(domain name system)
Ip address(Internet protocal)
Www( worl wide web)
What is an http
Hypertext transfer protocol. Used for transferring data over the Internet btn server and the Websites
Http requests
Http method:define the type of operation the client wants to perform on the server.it includes get, post, put delete
Http header:
Message body
What is www
Is the combination of all resources and users on the Internet that use html lang.
Enables data and info sharing over the Internet
What is an IP(Internet protocol)
Is the identification no of every computer directly connected to the Internet. It consists of 4 groups of eight digit binary no.
Identify the host or network interface and providing the location address
What is DNS
Is the system that helps to segment the Internet space,name and ensure communication btn segments.
What does the <html> element do?
It defines the structure and layout of the page
Is a container for meta data. And its not directly displayed in the wep page
Contains the contents of the html doc that display on the Web page
It’s displayed in the browsers bar
It’s used to group together other html elements and styling.
It’s creates layout structure and divides the content of a web page in a section
Is an inline container used for styling or formatting a specific portion of text over the block of text
For organising content of a Web page. It creates new line but and after the text it contains
It’s provide structure and hierarchy of contents to the webpage
Insert and image into html doc . Self closing tag. It has src and alt attribute
It creates hyperlink. Allow users to navigate the webpage. It contains href attribute
Display data in row and columns. It includes tr th and td attributes
To collect user input. Includes button and checkbox
It creates an applicable button
Allow users to input data
Ol li and ul
Ordered list, list item and unordered list
Used to insert a line break in the text of an html doc. It’s a self closing tag
Inline 1000
#Id 100
.class 10
Tag, elements 1
* 0