Leases Flashcards
Per IFRS 16, what is classified as a lease?
- right to control
- identifiable asset
- obtain the economic benefits from it
What is not a lease?
lessor cannot substitute asset for their own benefit, there is no identifiable asset
What are the exemptions?
- leases < 12 months with no purchase option
- low value and not part of bigger asset (phones, laptops)
- rent expensed to P&L
How is a lease liability recognised?
- recognised at future payments discounted to PV
- effective interest rate will increase the initial liability to the actual amount of cash paid
How is a right of use asset recognised?
capitalised as part of PPE (ROU asset)
- future payments discounted to PV (lease liability)
- costs directly attributable to leasing asset
- costs to dismantle asset and restore land (provision)
- deduct any payments (lease incentives) from lessor
- depreciate over period company will use asset
How is sale and leaseback classified and recognised?
company sells an asset and immediately leases it back
- sells and asset - P&L on disposal
- leases an asset - ROU asset and lease liability
only sold part of the asset because retained a ROU for the asset
- can only recognise profit/loss on disposal for part sold
How is the part of the asset which has been retained and the part which has been sold calculated?
PV of future lease payments/FV = part retained
How is P/L on disposal calculated?
Proceeds minus CA minus profit/loss
How is ROU asset calculated?
CA x % of asset that has been retained