Leases Flashcards
Finance lease
as if lessee purchased the asset
operating lease
as if lessee ‘rents’ the asset
lease arrangement
if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration
Is there an identified asset?
explicitly or implicitly specified in contract and supplier has no substantial right to substitute the asset
Right to control the use of the identified asset
right to obtain substantially all economic benefits and right to direct the use
Exemptions right-of-use asset
- short-term leases (<12 months)
- low value assets (< 5,000)
Right-of-use assets (cost)
lease liability (at cost/PV) + lease payments made at or before commencement date - lease incentives received + initial direct cost incurred by lessee + estimate of the cost to be incurred by the lessee in dismantling and removing the underlying asset
Which interest rate to use
lessor’s implicit interest rate in the lease, if that is not available then use the incremental borrowing rate
Lease payment (PV calculation)
(Lease payment * (1- (1+r)^-T) / r
subsequent measurement lease
at cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses
Interest expense
lease liability (previous end period) * borrowing rate
Front-loading effect
total expense higher in initial lease years due to interest expense
remeasurement lease liability if change in
- lease term
- assessment of an option to purchase the underlying asset
- expected residual payments
- underlying index- or interest rates linked with the payment structure
Prospective recognition
adjustment of lease liability will be reflected in right-of-use asset
Finance lease indicators
- transfer of ownership (transfer by end lease term)
- purchase option (reasonable certain to exercise)
- lease term (major part of economic life)
- present value (PV lease payments amount to substantially all of fair value)
- Alternative use (no alternative use for lessor at end)
- cancellability (lessee cancels, lessee responsible for any losses)
- gains/losses fluctuation (lessee entitled to gains or losses)
- option to extent at lower than market rent
Finance lease initial measurement lessor
at commencement date, lessor ‘derecognizes’ the leased asset and records a lease receivable
Net investment
Fair value + Initial Direct Cost due to the lessor
low value exemption + calculation annual rental expense
do NOT have to recognize right-of-use asset nor corresponding lease liability
Annual rental expense = total rental payments / no. of years on lease
right-of-use asset should be typically depreciated over the
shorter of the lease term and the asset’s economic life