Lease Renewals Flashcards
What options are there at lease expiry?
Qualified tenancy continues under s. 24 after expiry until terminated under the Act
Continues on the same terms at the same rent
Holding over / continuation tenancy
Three options on lease expiry:
* Tenant not want to renew - vacate by lease expiry (Esselte v Pearl Assurance1977). If landlord served s. 25 notice, need to leave by the termination date. If tenant stays and then wants to leave after end date then they must serve s. 27 notice. Gives landlord 3 months’ notice they are leaving.
* To start proceedings landlord serve s. 25 notice 6-12 months before stating whether grant or oppose new lease. Tenant can negotiate terms of new lease, no tenant counter notice needed.
* To start proceedings tenant can serve s. 26 notice 6-12 months before the lease end. Serve on competent landlord and detail new lease. On receipt Landlord can serve counter notice within 2 months specifying grounds of opposition. No counter notice, tenant may apply to court for new lease after 2 months under s. 29.
What process do you go through to complete a lease renewal?
Understand client’s objectives
Obtain all of the required info. Read the documents carefully
LR – check it isn’t contracted out of the 1954 Act.
Inspect in accordance with RICS Surveying Safely. Check for any breaches.
Measure in accordance with Code of Measuring Practice, 6th Ed, 2007.
Undertake a market rent valuation, having regard to the terms of the lease (BARUS) and comparable evidence.
Prepare report to client setting out recommendations.
Agree strategy with client. Confirm who is serving notices. A lawyer should always serve 1954 notices.
Open negotiations. Check notices received are valid.
Conclude negotiations. Instruct solicitors to prepare new lease in accordance with the HoTs
Offer to settle - made in accordance with Part 36 of Civil Procedure Rules 1998 – cannot be referred to in court
PACT is for lease renewal disputes
Since Land Registration Act 2002 all leases over 7 years (existing leases with 7 years remaining on assignment) must be registered with Land Registry with compliant lease plan
What is a Tenancy at Will?
Grant temporary occupation of business premises
Without tenant acquiring SoT (Severance of Tenancy)
What is the Land Registration Act 2002?
Formal documents to be executed electronically
Leases over 7 years must be registered with Land Registry
What determines terms for new lease?
S. 32-35 refers to terms of new lease:
o S. 32 Demise - same property as before
o S. 33 Term - max 15 years
o S. 34 Rent - consider disregards (goodwill, occupation, improvements, licence)
o S. 35 Any other terms
O’May v City of London 1983 – tests to be satisfied before amending terms of old lease
o Justifiable reasoning?
o Adequate compensation?
o Affect tenant business or SoT?
Modernising lease is generally accepted to reflect current market practice as long as conditions are met
What sections of Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 are there?
23 – meaning of business tenancy
24 – continuation tenancy unless terminated (security of tenure)
24a – interim rent
25 – landlord to terminate or renew
26 – tenant to renew
27 – tenant notice to quit (3 months)
28 – freedom to agree new lease
29 – courts application
30 – landlord grounds of opposition
32 – demise
33 – term
34 – rent
35 – any other terms
37 – disturbance compensation
38 – contracting out
40 – request for information
43 – excluded business tenancies
44 – competent landlord
64 – new lease start date
What is the valuation date for a lease renewal?
It is set by when you apply to court, otherwise you’d value on the day after lease end.
On what grounds can a 1954 Act protected lease be terminated?
S. 30, 1954 Act – grounds A-G
o A - Breach of repair covenant
o B - Persistent delay in the payment of rent
o C - Other substantial breach
o D - Suitable alternative accommodation
o E - Uneconomic subdivision
o F - Redevelopment
o G - Owner occupation
Grounds E-G landlord pays compensation (S. 37 L&T 1954):
o Occupation over 14 year – 2 x rateable value for property
o Occupation less than 14 years – 1 x rateable value for property
o Avoid compensation if provide suitable alternative accommodation
o Compensation payable based on RV at date of s. 25 notice
Can a tenant lose their 54 Act rights?
If no new lease terms have been agreed by the lease end date, or the T hasn’t applied to the court to agree terms or for an extension, they can lose their rights.
What is the process for contracting out of s. 24 – 28 of the 1954 Act?
Regulatory Reform Order 2003 simplified the process so that it rarely requires a court influence.
Landlord serves a health warning stating the consequences of contracting out.
Simple declaration if the tenant waits for longer than 14 days.
Statutory declaration is sworn in front of an independent solicitor if less than 14 days.
You served a section 25 notice – what would you find in this notice?
Name and address of Landlord and Tenant
Property address
Notice of date to end the tenancy
Confirmation as to whether a new lease is granted (favourable – form 1) or opposed (hostile – form 2)
Landlord’s proposals for a new tenancy or the grounds of opposition
A strong recommendation for the tenant to seek professional advice
Signed by a representative of the Landlord
When is the date of receipt of a S. 25 notice?
S. 23 Landlord and Tenant Act 1927 posted and received on same day for statutory notices.
Can landlord serve s. 25 notice after T has served s. 26 notice?
No, they are mutually exclusive (impossible to serve one if already in receipt of the other)
Where might S. 25 Notices go wrong?
Wrong name, not signed, not dated
Hexstone v Wetslink 2010 – Westlink was going to merge with Eddie Stobart. Served break-clause notice under ES name but had not yet merged. Judge ruled break notice was invalid
What if the tenant objects to the terms in the notice?
Landlord terms can be challenged through lease renewal, by negotiation or the court.
S.26 and s.25 are mutually exclusive so the Tenant would serve a counter notice (within 2 months).
What if the tenant wants to renew but it gets to date of the new tenancy and the terms have not been agreed?
Time may be extended by agreement between the parties. Regulatory Reform Order 2003.
An application is made to the court.
If the tenant wanted to leave halfway through negotiations what would they need to do?
They would have to serve s.27 and give 3 months notice.
If they’re already in court but change mind they can just withdraw their application and negotiate with LL on notice period and back rent.
What is an interim rent?
Rent the tenant pays while the tenancy is continued under s. 24.
Application may be made at any time after the landlord has served s. 25 notice or the tenant has made a s. 26 request.
How would you calculate interim rent?
Interim rent is to compensate the landlord (in a rising market) or tenant (in a falling market) for the loss of rent suffered between date of the new tenancy in the notice and the valuation date of the hearing.
Either the landlord or the tenant can apply under s. 24a after s. 25 or s. 26 notice has been served
The valuation date is the latter of application date or the date specified in the landlord or tenant’s notice
The presumption is that the interim rent will be the same as the new rent with no cushioning effect. The court may vary this if there is substantial difference between the market rent at the date of the new tenancy and the date from which the interim rent became payable. Or if the terms of the original tenancy are so different to the new lease that there would be a substantial difference in market rent.
Who is the competent landlord?
S. 44 - Freeholder or superior T with an unexpired term in excess of 14 months.
What is a s. 40 notice?
Requests information from either landlord or tenant
Can check who is competent landlord or landlord can check if tenant had statutory protection
If acting for an external client, how would you have acted differently for a lease renewal?
Would have checked for conflicts of interest and served formal terms of engagement, agreeing fee etc.
What is a s. 40 notice?
A Section 40 notice is a form that can be served by either the landlord or the tenant on the other in order to gather information to be able to make a decision on whether or not to renew or end a business lease.
Requests information from either landlord or tenant
Can check who is competent landlord or landlord can check if tenant had statutory protection
When must you respond to a section 40?
Both the tenant and the landlord must respond within a month if an S40 notice is served on them. They have a further obligation to tell the other side of any changes of fact in the information given for a further six months. The notice of change of information must be provided within one month of the party becoming aware of it.