Learning, Thought, and Language Flashcards
classical conditioning
a learning process in which two stimuli become associate with each other.
unconditioned stimulus
a stimulus that automatically triggers an involuntary response without any learning needed.
-no learning needed
unconditioned response
a reflexive, involuntary response to an unconditioned stimulus
-happens natutally
conditioned stimulus
previously neutral stimulus that an organism learns to associate with an unconditioned stimulus.
- learned stimulus
conditioned response
a learned response to a conditioned stimulus
stimulus generalization
the tendency for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit the conditioned response
stimulus discrimination
the ability to differentiate between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli sufficiently different from it
presenting the conditioned stimulus in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus, over and over and the unconditioned response decreases and eventually disappears
spontaneous recovery
the reappearance of a conditioned response following its extinction
taste aversion
a form of classical conditioning that occurs when an organism learns to associate the taste of a particular food with illness.
operant conditioning
learning that occurs when voluntary actions become associated with their consequences
the law of effect
the law of effect
positive reinforcement
the process by which reinforcers are added or presented following a target behavior, increasing the likelihood of it occurring again
negative reinforcement
the removal of an unpleasant stimulus following a target behavior, which increases the likelihood of that behavior occurring again.
primary reinforcement
reinforcers that satisfy a biological need
-food, water, physical context