Learning Theory Behaviourim Flashcards
Humans are born as a blank slate
2 features are
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Feature 1 classical conditioning
Pavlov research theory
- form of learning NS is paired with UCS that produces UCR
-if pairing is repeated then individual learn to associate the NS with UCS
-therefore NS becomes CS which creates CR
Pavlov study AO1
-Classical conditioning is leaning trough stimulus response association in a controlled environment
-Pavlov showed that dogs could be conditioned to salivate to sound of bell
Pavlov study F1
UCS= dog
UCR= salivation
NS= bell
During experiment dog presented with food again however this time Pavlov rang bell as same time
REPEATED this association
Dog learnt to associate food UCS with bell noise NS
FEATURE 2 operant conditioning
Another way we can learn behaviour which emphasises THE IMPORTANCE OF CONSEQUENCES
-learning trough rewards (reinforcement) and punishment
Skinner explained how
B is influenced by consequences of our own actions
Positive reinforcement
Reward is given for a b
This b is reinforced so the b is repeated to gain same reward
Negative reinforcement
Performing a b to avoid unpleasant consequences
So b is repeated to avoid unpleasant consequences
Type of reinforcement in skinners research
Hungry rat placed in box
Every time rat pressed lever
Rat was rewarded with food
-b is repeated as rat was conditioned to press lever trough positive reinforcement to get same pleasant outcome
Negative reinforcement in skinners research
- ran electrical current across floor which caused rat discomfort
- rat make move around until it knocked the lever
-lever would stop current
-rat repeat b as it learned by pressing lever it would avoid unpleasant consequences of pain
P-practical application
E-principle of theory b is caused by classical conditioning led to treatment of SD
E- effective treating phobia helping individual unlearn maladaptive associations to phobic stimuli by gradually exposing while apply relaxation tech
L- therefore BE of HB is an impo part of applied psych helps treat ppl in real world
Limitation AO3
P-environmental reductionism
E-reduces complex hb down to simple basic units
-e.g learning trough stimulus response and association or reward nd reinforcement
E- neglects holistic app p social cultural context would influence nd explain hb
L-there may lack validity does not allow to understand b in context