learning skills Flashcards
comfy spaces
choose a spot that you are not uncomforteble in but will not make you fall asleep make sure you have a hard surface to work on.
practice questions
a great way to study is practice questions. They prepare your brain for tests and help you know the material.
flashcards can help challenge your brain and teach you the answers.
time blocks
you should only study for 20 to 30 minutes at a time so your brain isn’t overloaded with information you should take ten minute breaks in between study blocks.
study schedule
if you study every day at the same time it will become second nature and you wont even have to think about it.
spread out
you can have multiple study spaces and spread stuff out so you can always find stuff
study out loud
if you study out loud it can help you lock info in you brain and other people can help you study
where is the worst place to study
in your bed
what are guided notes good for
staying engaged in class and listening for key details
what is a way not to get confused what subject folder you are using
use a color coded system
what is a good way to practice highlighting.
read the text first then read it again and highlight the key information.
you can also use color coding for different parts of that subject for instance you have to remember dates in history. history is orange and dates might be red.
you can use brainscape like I am and make flashcards online like that.
what is a fixed mindset
when you think that you are born with a set of skills and you can’t change those skills
what is a growth mindset
you think that you can change your skill set through hard work and determination.