Learning REST APIs Flashcards
Learn the basics of REST APIs. Discover what they are, why they matter, and how putting REST APIs to use can help you build faster, more efficient applications.
What does REST stand for
Representational State Transfer
What does API stand for
Application Programing Interface
What is REST?
Representational State Transfer refers to a group of software architecture design constraints that bring about efficient, reliable, and scalable systems
A representational state is transferred as a ____ which means the website doesn’t have to reload the whole page
Data Object (As opposed to having to load the new pages whole set of HTML Code)
What is an API
A set of features and rules that exist inside a software program enabling interaction between the software and other items, such as other software or hardware
what is the collection of tools used to access and work with REST resources?
API (Application Programming Interface)
What does URI stand for?
Universal Resource Identifier
What is a URI?
“A compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource” that “provides a simple and extensible means for identifying a resource”
What is the most generic way to name and locate a web resource?
What does URL Stand for?
Subset of the URI that identifies a resource and explains how to access that resource (https:// or ftp://)
What does URN stand for?
Universal Resource Name
What is a URN? How is that different from a URL?
Its the unique name of a URI. The URL includes the location which is not part of the URN.
What are the Six Constraints of REST
- Client - server architecture
- Statelessness
- Cacheability
- Layered system
- Code on demand
- Uniform interface
REST Constraint: Client - server architecture
This constraint ensures proper separation of concerns. The client manages user interface concerns while the server manages data storage concerns
REST Constraint: Statelessness
No client context or information, aka “state”, can be stored on the server between requests.
REST Constraint: Cacheability
All REST responses must be clearly marked as cacheable or not cacheable
REST Constraint: Layered system
The client cannot know, and shouldn’t care, whether it’s connected directly to the server or to an intermediary like a CDN or mirror
REST Constraint: Code on demand
Servers are allowed to transfer executable code like JavaScript and compiled components to clients
REST Constraint: Uniform interface
6.1 Resource identification in request
The URI request must specify what resource it is looking for and what format the response should use
6.2 Resource manipulation through representations
Once a client has a representation of a resource, it can modify or delete the resource
6.3 Self-descriptive messages
Self descriptive messages (messages must identify their format so they can be parsed
6.4 Hypermedia as the engine of application state
Once a client has access to a REST service, it should be able to discover all available resources and methods through the hyperlinks provided
who are the clients that consume the REST API?
This is the website or app that sends the request and parses the response
What is reqres.in?
This is a website that allows REST messages to be sent and will return data in order to allow users to test
What is a “resource” in REST
Any information that can be named can be a resource such as a document or image, a temporal service, a collection of other resources, a non-virtual object and so on
what does a REST server generate for clients upon request?
A representation of the requested resource. This allows multiple clients to access the same data at the same time
what are HTTP methods?
These are the commands (verbs) used to interact with the server. Such as using GET to retrieve information from the resource
What are the three methods to send data to the resource from the client?
POST - Create a new resource and add it to a collection on the target site
PUT - used to update all data for a “singleton” resource based on ID by replacing all existing content
PATCH - Used to modify an existing singleton resource without replacing everything
What are the return codes for a POST method?
201 - created
401 - unauthorized
409 - conflict (resource already exists)
404 - not found (if it’s sent to a resource that doesn’t exist)
what are the return codes for a PUT method
200 OK
401 - Unauthorized
404 - Not Found
405 - Method not allowed (when sent to a collection resource, since PUT can only update a singleton resource)
What are the return codes for a PATCH method
200 OK
401 - Unauthorized
404 - Not Found
405 - Method not allowed (when sent to a collection resource, since PATCH can only update a singleton resource)
What are the return codes for a DELETE method
200 - OK
401 - Unauthorized
404 - Not Found
405 - Method not allowed (Can only be used with Singleton resources!)
What are the OPTIONS and HEAD methods for?
Options returns a description of the communication options for the target resource
Head returns only the header of that response
What will every response to a REST query contain?
a HEAD with information about what happened including the HTTP Status message
What are the http response status codes in the following ranges: 100s 200s 300s 400s 500s
100s - Information 200s - Success 300s - Redirection 400s - Client error 500s - Server error
What are 100s codes
These are informational and are rare. Generally used to say please wait for server or something of that nature
what are 200s codes
These are for versions of success
200 - OK
201 - Created (new resource created)
204 - No content (server processed request but returned nothing)
What are the 300s codes
These are forms of redirection
301 - Moved permanently (gives the new URI for future requests)
302/303 - Found at this other URL
307 - Temporary redirect
308 - Resume incomplete
What are the 400s codes
These are forms of Client errors
400 - Bad request (request is malformed or too large)
401 - Unauthorized (client lacks authentication)
403 - Forbidden (outright refused, maybe client isn’t logged in)
404 - Not found (resource does not exist at all)
405 - Method not allowed (used when a method is used that isn’t compatible with the resource being accessed)
What are the 500s codes
These are forms of Server errors
500 - Internal server error
502 - Bad gateway (received invalid response)
503 - Service unavailable (server is overloaded or temporarily unavailable)
when sending a REST request which methods are available for the target resource can be changed by adding what to the request?
Adding authentication such as line 2 in the following example:
- HEAD http://restful.dev/wp-json/wp/v2/posts
- Authorization: Basic andmbowe password
What is needed (after the URI and authorization) to POST something to a resource?
a content type to describe the type of data that will be sent (line 3) and the data itself (line 4+)
- HEAD http://restful.dev/wp-json/wp/v2/posts
- Authorization: Basic andmbowe password
- Content-Type: application/json
- {
- “title”: “A post created via the REST API!”,
- “content”: “abc123”
- “Status”: “publish”, (it would be in draft without this)
- “author”: 1
- }