learning outcomes x Flashcards
what does genesis mean
beginnings or origins
what does ex nihilo describe
the way in which god creates out of nothing
how many days of creation are there
what happens in day 1
god creates light and separates it from darkness creating day and night
what happens on day 2
god divides the waters on earth by a vault named heaven with water above and below
what happens on day 3
god brings the water together to let dry land appear and he makes vegetation and trees
what happens on day 4
god creates the sun, moon and stars
what happens on day 5
god creates sea creatures and birds
what happens on day 6
god creates humanity in his image
what happens on day7
god rests
what is the story of adam and eve pt1
adam named all of the animals
what is the story of adam and eve pt2
eve was created from a rib of adams
what is the story of adam and eve pt3
they were given the task of looking after the garden of eden
what is the story of adam and eve pt4
they were told not to eat the tree of knowledge
what is the story of adam and eve pt5
the snake tempted eve who ate an apple and gave some to adam