learning outcomes faith celebrated x Flashcards
how many sacrament are there
what is the first sacrament you receive
what symbols are associated with baptism
water- this represents being cleansed from original sin and being refreshed and made new
what symbols are associated with baptism
oil- this shows that we are set apart to be gods chosen people and bring his love into the world
what symbols are associated with baptism
light - the light of gods love and presence is with us from baptism all the way through our lives
what symbols are associated with baptism
white garment- this represents purity and new life
what’s the order of infant baptism
- welcome
- bible readings and prayer
- edorcism & anointing with the oil of catechumen
- baptismal promises
- baptism
- anointing with chrism
- white garment and baptismal candle
- lord’s prayer and final blessing
what’s the order of individual confession
- examination of conscience
- confession of sins
- advice and penance
- act of contrition
- absolution
what does the sacrament of reconciliation help
experience god’s forgiveness when they are sorry for something they have done
what does the anointing of the sick do
help a person who is very sick experience gods love and strength at a time of challenge
how do we experience gods forgiveness
through the words and actions of the priest in confession
how are able to say sorry to god for doing something wrong
what do we get in confession
the chance to start over
what does the priest have to keep secret in confession
what the person says
what happens if the seal of confession is broken
people would stop going to confession
what are the seasons of the catholic church
advent, Christmas, lent, easter, ordinary time
what is the first season of the liturgical season
what are the colours for the liturgical seasons
ordinary time-green
what are the symbols used in the advent wreath
purple candles, evergreen leaves, round shape, red berries