Learning Outcomes Flashcards
Describe the different secretions of the digestive system and how they affect digestion
Describe the different types of motility throughout the digest system and explain why they are important
Compare how and where carbohydrates, protein, and fats are digested and absorbed
Identify the roles of the pancres and liver in the overall functioning of the gastrointestinal system
Describe the four basic digestive functions
Describe the functional layers of the walls of the digestive system
Describe the enteric nervous system
Compare and contrast the cephalic, oral, and esophageal phases of digestion
Understand and describe the swallowing reflex
Describe the coordinated responses during the oropharangeal phase of swallowing
Compare and contrast gastric motility in the major regions of the stomach
Describe the mechanisms and regulation of acid and pepsinogen secretion
Describe why the stomach does not digest itself
Describe the factors affecting gastric emptying
Describe the secretions of the pancreas and how these secretions are regulated.
Describe bile formation and its secretion.
Describe how bile salts aid fat absorption.
Describe enterohepatic circulation of bile salts.
Describe the mechanisms responsible for the digestion of carbohydrates, protein, and fat
Describe how carbohydrates, protein and fats are absorbed
Understand segmentation as a mechanism of motility
Describe the anatomical features of the small intestine that make it an ideal location for absorption
Describe the mechanisms of motility in the colon
Describe the defecitation reflex
Describe the role of the microbiome
Describe the different secretions of the digestive system and how they affect digestion
Describe the different types of motility throughout the digest system and explain why they are important
Compare how and where carbohydrates, protein, and fats are digested and absorbed
Identify the roles of the pancreas and the liver in the overall funcitoning of the gastrointestinal system