Learning Outcome 1 Flashcards
Properties of cash investments
- less risky than investments
-You are lending them (banks/ building societies) your money in return for interest
Types of risk:
- default risk
- interest rate risk
- inflation risk
What are the 3 Types of cash accounts
- instant access, generally lower aer
-notice accounts, higher aer, give notice to take withdrawals, penalties can be deducted
-term deposits, highest aer, money set aside for a fixed term, penalties for early withdrawal
The return on a two year fixed term deposit account is shown below, what is the early withdrawal penalty if fully encashed after 1 year of investment?
£20k invested, 1.25% gross interest p/a penalty is 30 days loss
- Work out the interest earned, 20,000x 1.25% = £250 interest without penalty
- 30 days penalty / 365 days in a year x £250 interest = £20.55 penalty if withdrawn after 1 year.
Properties of ISAs
- a wrapper as opposed to a product
- interest and capital gains tax free
Properties of NS&I savings
-government backed
-all cash based savings, no investments
-not backed by the fscs (£85k protection)
- Premium bonds, cash/ junior ISA, direct saver, investment account, income bond
Properties of offshore bank accounts
-deposit accounts based offshore, usually Channel Islands or Isle of Man
-interest still taxable in the uk
-no FSCS protection
Properties of money markets
-wholesale cash market where banks lend to eachother
-used for short term borrowing by the government and companies
-private/ direct investment, high entry levels, minimum deposit amount
What are certificates of deposit
-fixed term cash deposits
-traded on stock markets globally
-issued by banks to raise capital for day to day operations
What are treasury bills
-fixed term cash deposits
-issued under par value, no real interest, returned at face value
-traded on stock markets
-issued by the government to meet short term cash flow
What are commercial bills?
-fixed term cash deposits
-issued under par value, redeemed at value to get return (same as treasury bills)
-traded on stock markets
-issued by companies to meet short term cash flow
Features of short term money market funds
-collective investment scheme eg. Unit trust
-wide range of options
-weighted avg. maturity no more than 60 days
- weighted avg. life not exceeding 120 days
Features of standard money market funds
-collective investment scheme
-wide range of options
-weighted average maturity not exceeding 6 months
-weighted avg. life not exceeding 12 months
Taxation of interest on cash investments
-all interest paid is gross
-taxable to income tax where not in a tax free account (ISA)
-£1000 basic rate taxpayers, £500 higher rate taxpayers
What is a gilt?
A loan to the government, can be sold to someone else via the secondary market
What is a corporate bond?
A loan to companies, long term lending
Characteristics of fixed interest securities (bonds and gilts)
- can be traded on the stock market
-fixed interest repayments (often provided a coupon upon purchase, that is the interest amount that will be paid)
-gilts run between 2-30 years
Characteristics of primary market
This is the method of raising the capital
-Gilts, bought through the DMO
- corporate bonds, bought through the London stock exchange
Characteristics of secondary market
- where subsequent trading takes place after initial purchase, on the London stock exchange for both gilts and corporate bonds
-return on a fixed interest security relevant to the price paid
-interest yield, annual income % based on price paid
-gross redemption yield, annual income % based on price paid. accounts for loss/ gain at redemption
Interest yield calculation
Coupon/ clean price x 100
Redemption yield calculation
- Calculate the interest yield
- Profit or loss to redemption/ no of years at redemption
- / clean price x100
Relationships of yields with inflation, interest rates, market price
- increase in inflation = increase in interest rates and increase in yields, drop in market price
- drop in market price = increase in inflation, interest rates and yields
“The price is right, that’s why it moves in opposite direction to others”