Learning objective for Unit 5 Flashcards
Explain correctly the role each agency plays in supporting labour in Singapore.
- Ministry of Manpower:
Developing a productive workforce and progressive workplaces, for Singaporeans to have better jobs and a secure retirement.
Vision: “A Great Workforce, A Great Workplace”, it aims to enable companies to provide good jobs and Singaporeans to take up good jobs, to build a strong Singaporean core.
Mission: To develop a productive workforce and progressive workplaces, for Singaporeans to have better jobs and a secure retirement.
- Central Provident Fund Board:
Responsible to provide a comprehensive social security system that enables working Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents to set aside funds for retirement.
Along with, addressing healthcare, home ownership, family protection and asset enhancement. - SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
SkillsFuture Singapore is a statutory board under Ministry Of Education (MOE).
Drives and coordinates the implementation of the national SkillsFuture movement, promotes a culture and holistic system of lifelong learning through the pursuit of skills mastery, and strengthens the ecosystem of quality education and training in Singapore. - Workforce Singapore (WSG)
Workforce Singapore is a statutory board under Ministry of Manpower (MOM).
Overseeing the transformation of the local workforce and industry to meet ongoing economic challenges.
WSG promotes the development, competitiveness, inclusiveness, and employability of all levels in the workforce.
This ensures that a strong and inclusive Singaporean core supports all sectors of the economy. - Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP)
> It is an agency of the Tripartite Alliance Limited and partners its two other agencies, the Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management (TADM) and the Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSHC), to achieve the vision of “Progressive Workplaces. Harmonious Work Relations”.
> TAFEP helps employers build workplaces where employees are respected, valued and able to achieve their fullest potential, for the success of the organisation.
- Employment Claims Tribunal (ECT)
> The Employment Claims Tribunals (“ECT”) was established under the Employment Claims Act 2016 (Act 21 of 2016) (“Employment Claims Act”).
> The ECT provides employees and employers with a speedy and low-cost forum to resolve their salary-related disputes and wrongful dismissal disputes.
Apply the correct type of work pass/permit for foreigners working in Singapore.
For more in depth detail, check Unit 5 page 11 to page 14 or Msteams page 100 to 103.
- Employment Pass
- EntrePass
- Personalised Employment Pass
Skilled and Semi-skilled Workers:
- S-Pass
- Work permit for migrant worker
- Work Permit for migrant domestic worker
- Work Permit for confinement nanny
- Work Permit for performing artiste
Trainees and Students:
- Training Employment Pass
- Work Holiday Pass (under Work Holiday Programme)
- Work Holiday Pass (under Work and Holiday Visa Programme)
- Training Work Permit
Family Members:
- Dependant’s Pass
- Long Term Visit Pass
- Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC)
- Letter of Consent(LOC)for ICA-issued LTVP/LTVP+ holders
- Letter of Consent for Dependant’s Pass holders who are business owners
Exemptions and Working while on a Visit Pass:
- Miscellaneous Work Pass
- Work Pass Exempt Activities
- Work pass exemption for foreign students
- Work passes for holders of Long Term Visit Passes issued by ICA
Apply correctly the guiding principles of PDPA in data management and state the penalty for non-compliance.
For more in depth details, check Unit 5 Page 15 to 17 or Msteams page 104 to 106.
For penalties, under DCM textbook. Page 77 of Msteams or page 72 of the textbook.
Guiding principles:
i) Accountability Obligation
ii) Notification Obligation
iii) Consent Obligation
iv) Purpose Limitation Obligation
v) Accuracy Obligation
vi) Protection Obligation
vii) Retention Limitation Obligation
viii) Transfer Limitation Obligation
ix) Access and Correction Obligation
x) Data Breach Notification Obligation
xi) Data Portability Obligation
The penalty for non-compliance:
An organisation or person that commits an offence under section 51(3)(b) or (c) of the PDPA is liable to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both; and in any other case, to a fine not exceeding $100,000.
What are the principles of fair employment.
i. Recruit based on merit:
Select employees based on skills, experience and/or ability to perform the job; regardless of age, race, gender, religion, marital status, family responsibilities and/or disability.
ii. Respect employees:
Treat employees fairly with respect and implement progressive human resource management systems.
iii. Provide fair opportunities:
Consider employees for training and development programmes, based on their strengths and needs to help them achieve their full potential.
iv. Reward fairly:
Based on employees’ ability, performance, contribution and experience.
v. Comply with labour laws:
Abide labour laws and adopt the Tripartite Guidelines.