Learning environment, rules & regulations, effective classroom management Flashcards
What is an effective classroom?
A positive place where a student can come to work toward specific goals set before them in class objectives
How should a good teacher be?
Positive, organised, outgoing, confident and compassionate
What are the benefits of a well-managed classroom?
It improves classroom efficiency and creates an environment conducive to learning
What are the characteristics of an effective classroom?
- Clear classrooms rules and student expectations
- Frequent and successful assessment (formative and summative)
- Students do their best in learning, high student engagement
- Teacher uses a variety of teaching-learning strategies
- Teaching and learning are student-centred with authentic and purposeful learning
- Efficient housekeeping
What is formative assessment?
Ongoing assessments that aren’t graded. Example, asking a child to write the number 10 on the whiteboard
What is summative assessment?
Assessments that are carried out after the lesson and are graded, like tests
What are some teaching-learning strategies?
Cooperative learning, visualisation, concrete example (bringing an object and showing it)
What is meant by efficient housekeeping?
Students are aware of their responsibilities. For example, students push their chairs under the table after classes
What is effective classroom management?
The wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organised, focused, attentive, and academically productive
What kind of environment does effective classroom management create?
- Classroom is safe, orderly and focused on both academic and social-emotional learning
- Students feel physically and emotionally safe
- Daily routines, learning activities & behaviour expectations are designed to promote learning and development
Why is classroom management important?
- To ensure effective learning and students stay motivated
- Respect and personal responsibility promotes personal, social and moral development in students
- For the general public to know whether schools and teachers are doing their jobs
What are the characteristics of effective classroom management?
- Student engagement
- Effective time management
- Positive work environment
- Firm discipline
Why is student engagement important?
Students involved in the learning process helps foster higher-level thinking skills in students
Why is effective time management important?
To minimise time waste and improve efficiency. The students know which areas in the classroom are accessible to them, as well as where items are placed in the classroom
Why is a positive work environment important?
Students will feel comfortable asking their teacher questions