Learning By Conditioning Flashcards
Classical conditioning
Learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus (e.g., a tone) becomes associated with a stimulus (e.g., food) that naturally produces a behaviour.”
Operant conditioning
Learning that occurs based on the consequences of behavior
Reinforcement schemes / Forsterkningsskjemaer
How a behavior is reinforced.
Pavlov´s research
The russian physician researching the digestive system of dogs when he noticed that dogs would salivate when lab technicians who usually fed them came into the room, even before receiving any food. Pavlov realised that dogs were salivating because they knew they were going to be fed, they had begun associating the arrival of technicians with food.
After research where Pavlov and his team of researchers exposed the dogs to a sound before giving them food, he was able to make the dogs start to salivate when they heard the sound. The animals had started associating the sound with the food.
Classical conditioning example
If a father always comes home and takes off his baseball hat before taking his kid to play in the park, the kid will start associating the father taking his baseball hat off with going to play in the park.
A relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that comes from experience.
Unconditioned stimulus
Ubetinget stimuli (US): et stimuli (for eksempel mat) som trigger en naturlig respons også kalt for ubetinget respons
Conditioned stimulus
Betinget stimuli: naturlig stimuli som etter å ha bli presentert før den ubetingede responsen nok ganger maner fram en lik respons som den ubetingede stimulusen
Neutral stimulus that, after being repeatedly presented prior to the unconditioned stimulus, evokes a similar response as the unconditioned stimulus.
Conditioned response
Betinget respons: respons på betinget stimuli
Betinging er en evolusjonær fordel, for eksempel om et dyr spiser en type mat og kaster opp og da lærer seg å forbinde en viss type matlukt med den opplevelsen så vil de unngå dårlig mat
Refers to the reduction in responding that occurs when the conditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly without the unconditioned stimulus.
Is classical conditioning something that happens consciously?
Klassisk betinging skjer ikke bevisst - men påvirker fenomener som stress, trivsel, hva og hvem vi liker - mange av våre umiddelbare reaksjoner.
Second-order conditioning:
Dersom man har et eksisterende betinget stimulus (for eksempel mørket) som skaper frykt for de som er mørkeredde, og vedkommende også hører en lyd i mørket, så kan lyden også utløse redsel selv om lyden i seg selv ikke er skremmende, men den assosieres med en skremmende stimulus.
Eksempel: angstlidelser, hvordan følelser/tanker kan utløse andre følelser/tanker
Gjennom adferdsterapi kan stimuli som opprinnelig ga angst isteden assosieres med ro og avslapning. Da sier vi gjerne at angstresponsen er ekstingvert, dvs. «slukket».
Hvis stimuli som før utløste angst nå isteden utløser ro og avslapning, også når man møter lignende stimuli, sier vi at avslapningsresponsen er generalisert.
The tendency to respond to stimuli that resemble the original conditioned stimulus.
The ability to generalize has important evolutionary significance. If we eat some red berries and they make us sick, it would be a good idea to think twice before we eat some purple berries. Although the berries are not exactly the same, they nevertheless are similar and may have the same negative properties.
The flip side of generalization is discrimination — the tendency to respond differently to stimuli that are similar but not identical.
Pavlov’s dogs quickly learned, for example, to salivate when they heard the specific tone that had preceded food, but not upon hearing similar tones that had never been associated with food.
Courtney and Sarah, may look a lot alike, they are nevertheless different people with different personalities.