Learning activity; The Massachusetts Judicial Branch. Flashcards
What court is the top of the organization for the Massachusetts Judicial Branch ?
Supreme Judicial Branch.
For how long does a judge serve?
70 Years old or when it’s time to retire.
How are the members of the Massachusetts Branch selected?
They’re appointed by the governor.
What are the duties of the Massachusetts Judicial branch?
Listens to crime and civil cases in the state.
How do the Massachusetts branch relate?
The Judicial, Executive and Legislative Branch are responsible for giving their opinion and advise towards ideas or law making, this is how they’re related.
How many judges hold place in the Massachusetts Judicial branch?
7 Judges.
Who are the Justices that hold place in the Massachusetts Judicial Branch?
Justice Francis X. Spina Justice Robert J. Cody Justice Margot Botsford Justice Fernande R.V Duffly Justice Barbara A. Lenk Justice Geraldine S. Hines
How many Chiefs Justice hold place in the Massachusetts Judicial supreme court?
1 Chief Justice and 6 Associates Justices
Who are the Chiefs Justice of The Massachusetts Judicial Branch?
Chief Justice Ralph D. Gants.
Who are the Judicial personnel in the states courts system?
Clerks, Judges, District Attorneys, Judicial Conduct commission.
What are the district attorneys used for ?
Representation of the people.
When does the New code for the Massachusetts Judicial branch starts to effect?
January 1, 2016
What is the New code about?
Judges getting involved honestly and fully to their community.
To be qualified for the Limited Jurisdiction (District courts and other courts) you need to be:
A U.S citizen,
A state resident
A state bar member in good manner
At least 10 years of experience and training.
Who chooses the members of the Massachusetts Judicial Branch?
They are chosen by the governor from a list he/she gets from the Judicial Nominating Council.
What are the qualifications to be a member of the Massachusetts Judicial branch?
Be a state resident
A state bar member in good manner
13 years of experience and training (10 for those who want to be a superior court judge)
Under age 70 ( Retirement is mandatory at age 70)