Learning Flashcards
The Definition of Learning
A change in behaviour as a result of experience
Characteristics of Learning
Purposeful: learning related to goals
A result of experience: a response may be conditioned by previous experience
Multifaceted/incidental: whilst learning the thing at hand, a student may be learning other things as well.
An active process: students need to react and respond
Principles of Learning
Readiness Exercise Effect Primacy Intensity Recency
The Principle of Readiness
Implies a degree of single-mindedness and eagerness
When students have a strong purpose, a clear objective and a definite reason for learning something, they will make more progress than if they lack motivation
The Principle of Exercise
Those things most often repeated are best remembered
Instructors must provide opportunities for students to practice and at the same time ensure that this process is directed towards a goal
The Principle of Effect
The emotional reaction of the student
Learning is strengthened when accompanied by a pleasant or satisfying feeling
Learning is weakened when;associated with an unpleasant feeling
The Principle of Primacy
The state of being first creates a strong, memorable impression
What is taught must be first the right time
The Principle of Recency
Things most recently done are the best remembered
The Principle of Intensity
A student will learn more fro:the real thing than from a substitute
Received through 1+ of the five senses
Are the basis of all learning
Result when a person gives meaning to sensations
Factors Affecting One’s Perception
Physical organism Basic needs Goals and values Self concept Time and opportunity Elements of threat
The grouping of perceptions into meaningful wholes.
The mental relating and grouping of associated perceptions
Instruction speeds this learning process by teaching the relationships as they occur
Steps to Foster the Development of Insight
Pointing out relationships as they occur
Providing a secure and nonthreatening environment
Helping the student acquire and maintain favourable self concept
Positive Motivation
Provided by the promise or achievement of rewards
Students must believe their efforts will be suitably rewarded
Negative Motivation
May engender fear or be perceived as a threat
Should be avoided with all but the most overconfident and impulsive students
Levels of Learning
- Rote
- Understanding
- Application
- Correlation
Learning: Rote
The ability to repeat something back which was learnt, but not understood
Learning: Understanding
To comprehend or grasp the nature or meaning of something
Learning: Application
The act of putting something to use that has been learnt and understood
The student has developed the skill to apply what has been learnt
Learning: Correlation
Associating what has been learnt, understood and applied with previous or subsequent learning
Domains of Learning