Learning Flashcards
Chapter 8
What is the definition of learning?
Learning as a change in the mechanisms of behavior, not a change in behavior directly.
Mechanisms of behavior: the underlying machinery (neural system) that make behavior happen.
Briefly define the terms “learning” and “behavior.”
Learning: Relatively permanent change in an organism’s
behavior as a result of some type of experience.
Behavior: Any activity of the organism that can be either
directly or indirectly measured.
Why the learning‐performance distinction is important?
Behavior is determined by many factors in addition to
learning: e.g., motivation to respond.
Do not equate learning to change in behavior: easy to think that if there is no change in behavior, then there
is no learning.
What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning?
Classification of basic mechanisms of learning:
Pavlovian or classical conditioning: How we learn about the relationships between events that occur independently of our behavior.
Operant or instrumental conditioning: How we learn the
relationships between our actions (behavior) and their
These relationships are the bases for all complex learning processes in an organism’s life.
These processes are thought to be common across many species and they do not require any sort of organized instruction.
What are “elicited behaviors”?
Behavior which happens in response to some environmental event:
Stimulus ‐‐‐‐‐ (brings forth) ‐‐> Response
• Reflexes, Fixed/Modal Action patterns (innate)
•Response to single stimulus (Habituation and Sensitization)
•Learning paired events (Classical and Operant
What is the simplest form of elicited behavior?
Elicited Behavior Occurs in response to a stimuli.
Simplest form of elicited behavior.
-reflexive behavior: simple, unlearned, automatic
-hard wired: we are born w the neural circuit (reflexes)
Define “reflex.” Briefly define the startle reflex, the orienting response, and the flexion reflex.
Relatively simple, involuntary response to a stimulus. Closely tied to survival.
Examples: startle response, orienting response, flexion
(next slides tell def)
Startle response
- Defensive reaction to a sudden, unexpected stimulus.
- Involves the automatic tightening of skeletal muscles as well as various hormonal and visceral (internal organ) changes.
- Reaction designed to ready us for fight or flight if the unexpected stimulus should prove dangerous.
Orienting response
Relatively major body movement, such as when we automatically turn in response to an unfamiliar (or familiar) stimulus
Flexion response
We automatically jerk our hand or foot away from a hot or sharp object that we have inadvertently contacted.
About the “reflex arc:”
a. Provide a brief definition.
b. What is the minimum number of neurons involved in a reflex? List their names.
It is a neural structure that underlies many reflexes and
consists of a sensory neuron, an interneuron, and a motor
neuron (through the spinal cord; simplest form of reflex: it
may not involve the brain). (e.g., flexion response)
What are the three main characteristics of reflexes discussed in class?
Characteristics of reflexes:
• Highly stereotypic in form, frequency, developmental appearance, and strength.
• They may vary across individuals.
• The same reflex might be observed across species.
Define “Fixed Action Patterns (FAP)” (a.k.a. “Modal Action Patterns”).
•Instinctive ‘fixed’ sequence of behaviors elicited by a
• Tend to be particular to one species.
• It involves most of the entire organism.
• Relatively variable across individuals.
What is the specific name for the stimulus that elicits a given FAP?
The eliciting stimulus is called sign or releaser.
Examples: Gulls’ egg retrieval behavior, and aggressive behavior against other males in the three‐spined
stickleback fish
Examples of reflexes and modal action patterns with humans: rooting or sucking reflex, Moro reflex,
grasping, head turning, grasping reflex, orienting response, startle response, flexion, eyebrow flash, gag
reflex, vomiting, yawning, smiling, crying …
Define “habituation” and “sensitization.” Explain why these terms represent opposite types of behavior.
Habituation: A decrease in the strength of an elicited behavior due to repeated presentations of its
eliciting stimulus.
Sensitization: An increase in the strength of an elicited behavior due to repeated presentations of its
eliciting stimulus.
Define classical conditioning. Describe Pavlov’s basic experiment (using the metronome and meat powder).
Origins: Ivan P. Pavlov
• Russian, Nobel prize in Physiology.
- Initially interested in the process of digestion (saliva and stomach secretions).
- Procedure = Restrained dogs received meat powder and the salivary and stomach secretions were collected through a tube.
- Problem: Dogs salivated in presence of researchers. Why? Acquired (learned) behavior?
Define US, UR, CS, and CR.
Pavlov explain the mechanism to acquire the new learning
by means of the classical conditioning procedure:
Prior to conditioning: NS no Response, US UR
During conditioning: NS (to become CS) : US UR (the NS becomes associated with the US; it
becomes CS)
After conditioning: If CS is presented by itself, it elicits responding (CR)
•US: Stimulus that naturally elicits a response (i.e., without
•UR: Response naturally elicited by the US (i.e., without
•CS: Initially neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a response (i.e., with learning).
•CR: Response that comes to be elicited by the CS (i.e., with learning).
What is the difference between “excitatory conditioning” and “inhibitory conditioning”?
• Contingencies can be:
- Positive: The CS and US occur together more often than
apart (Excitatory conditioning: responses being
- Negative: The CS and US occur together less often than
apart (Inhibitory conditioning: responses being
What are the four excitatory conditioning procedures that result from different temporal arrangements of the CS and US?
what are the factors that determine the effectiveness of excitatory conditioning?
Delay conditioning, Trace conditioning, Simultaneous conditioning, and Backward conditioning
Factors that determine the effectiveness of excitatory conditioning
• Number of CS‐US pairings
More pairings (experiences) result in stronger CR.
But, first trials are more effective than later ones.
Response strength increases until it reaches an asymptote (no more increases in responding)
• Temporal arrangement of the CS and US
Defined in terms of WHEN the US is presented with respect to the CS.
Delay conditioning:
The CS is presented until the US is presented.
Procedure that produces the stronger conditioned
Trace conditioning
The CS begins and ends some time before the US is
It does not produce a strong conditioned response. The
longer the interval between CS termination and US
presentation, the weaker the responding.