Learning Flashcards
Classical Conditioning
Forming an association between two stilumi resulting in a response
Operant Conditioning
A method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishment for behavior
Obseravational Learning
The process of learning through watching others, retaining the information and then later replicating the behaviors that were observed
Neutral Stimmulus
Produces no effect until it is paired with an unconditioned stimulus
Unconditioned stimulus
A stimulus is one that unconditonally, naturally, and automatically triggers an unconditioned response or reflex
Unconditioned Response
An unlearned response that occurs naturally in reaction to the unconditoned stimulus
Conditioned Stimulus
Previously neutral stimulus that becomes associated with the uncondtioned stimulus and triggers a contioned response
Conditioned Response
The learned response to the previously neutral stimulus
Spontaneous recovery
Positive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Primary reinforcers
Condtioned or secondary reinforcers
Schedules of reinforcement
Continuous reinforcement
partial or intermittent reinforcement
Fixed ratio
Variable ratio
Fixed interval
Variable interval