Learning Flashcards
when a response or behaviour is first learned p. 157
a stimulus that causes a voluntary behaviour to occur p. 171
the first stage of observational learning. Learners must actively focus on the model in order to learn p. 180
a voluntary action in response to an antecedent p. 171
Classical conditioning
a model of learning in which organisms learn through the involuntary association of two or more stimuli p. 154, 432
Conditioned emotional responses
an emotional response to a stimulus that doesn?t naturally produce that response, learned through the process of classical conditioning p. 165
Conditioned response (CR)
a response caused by the conditioned stimulus p. 155
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
a stimulus that elicits a response due to its being paired with an unconditioned stimulus p. 155
an event following an action that makes it either more or less likely to occur again p. 171
when a learned response or behaviour no longer occurs for an extended period of time p. 157, 173
the individual who is performing the behaviour that is being watched/ observed p.179
the fourth stage of observational learning. The learner must want to reproduce the behaviour in order for learning to occur p. 181
Negative reinforcement
when a stimulus is removed in order to encourage a behaviour to occur again p. 172
Neutral stimulus (NS)
a stimulus that does not initially elicit a response p. 155
Observational learning
(also known as social learning, vicarious conditioning, or modelling) a type of learning that occurs through watching the actions of a model and the consequences that their actions receive p. 179
Operant conditioning
learning through the association of a behaviour and the consequence it receives p. 170, 433
Positive punishment
when a stimulus is added in order to discourage a behaviour from occurring again p. 172
Positive reinforcement
when a stimulus is added in order to encourage a behaviour to occur again p. 172
(also known as positive punishment) a type of consequence that makes the behaviour less likely to occur again p. 172
a type of consequence that makes the behaviour more likely to occur again p. 172, 181
learning information another time after having already learned this information in the past p. 232
the third stage of observational learning. The learner must have the physical and mental capabilities to reproduce the observed behaviour p. 180
Response cost
Negative punishment & when a stimulus is removed in order to discourage a behaviour occurring again p. 172
Spontaneous recovery
the return of a previously extinguished learned response or behaviour p. 157, 173
Stimulus discrimination
the process in which an organism only demonstrates a certain response or behaviour to the stimulus it was first acquired in response to p. 158, 173
Stimulus generalisation
a process in which the learner demonstrates a response or behaviour to stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus or antecedent p. 158, 173
Unconditioned response (UCR)
a natural (unlearned) behaviour to a given stimulus p. 155
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
a stimulus that elicits a reflexive response p. 155
Voluntary response
an action coordinated by the body that is performed with conscious control and intention p. 70