Learn To Ride Levels 1-2 Flashcards
The Forehand:
Head, neck, shoulders, chest and forelegs.
The Body:
Withers, back, loin, flank and barrel
The hindquarters:
Croup, haunches, buttocks, hind legs and tail
Where is the poll?
Behind the ears.
Where is the lower jaw?
Behind the lips.
Where is the cheekbone?
Mid face.
Where is the cheek?
Ball shaped past the lower jaw.
Where is the elbow?
Joint joining the torso and leg.
Where is the forearm?
Upper leg
Where is the cannon bone?
Lower leg where shin guards go
Where is the fetlock?
Knotch near the ankle that shin guards hook on
Where is the pastern?
The ankle
Where is the loin?
Lower back
Where is the flank?
Lower side torso
Where is the croup?
Leading to tail on back
Where is the haunches
Back leg shoulders
Where is the stifle joint and stifle?
Back legs shoulder
Where is the hock?
Back leg knee
Brown to bright reddish hair with dark or black mane, tail and extremities.
Beige to yellow body with black mane, tail and extremities often with a dorsal stripe.
Mouse coloured:
Ash grey hair with a black mane, tail and extremities.
Mix of white and black hair in the mane and the extremities, which are usually darker in tone when the horse is young. As a grey horse ages it’s coat becomes lighter.
Strawberry roan:
Mix of chestnut and white hair in the mane and extremities.
Blue roan:
Mixture of black, white and chestnut hair.
Bay roan:
Mixture of brown, white and chestnut hair.