"Learn to Read Latin" - Chapter 1 Vocabulary Flashcards
Agricola, agricolae (masc.)
[1st Declension]
Farmer (1st d.)
Anima, animae (fem.)
[1st Declension]
1. Life force, soul
Fama, famae (fem.)
[1st Declension]
1. Report, rumour - what is spoken
2. Reputation, fame - possessed by a person
3. Fama - The goddess Rumour
Femina, feminae (fem.)
[1st Declension]
1. Woman
2. Wife
Filia, filiae (fem.)
[1st Declension]
1. Daughter
Insula, insulae (fem.)
[1st Declension]
1. Island
Italia, Italiae (fem.)
[1st Declension]
1. Italy
Nauta, nautae (masc.)
[1st Declension]
1. Sailor
Patria, patriae (fem.)
[1st Declension]
1. Country, homeland
Pecunia, pecuniae (fem.)
[1st Declension]
1. Money
Poeta, poetae (masc.)
[1st Declension]
1. Poet
Puella, pullae (fem.)
[1st Declension]
1. Girl
Regina, reginae (fem.)
[1st Declension]
1. Queen
Via, viae (fem.)
[1st Declension]
1. Way, road, street, path
Deus, dei (masc.)
[Irregular Declension]
1. God
Dea, Deae (fem.)
[Irregular Declension]
1. Goddess
Dominus, domini (masc.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Master, lord
Filius, filii (masc.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Son
Gladius, gladii (masc.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Sword
Liber, libri (masc.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Book
Puer, pueri (masc.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Boy
Servus, servi (masc.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Slave
Vir, viri (masc.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Man
2. Husband
Aurum, auri (neut.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Gold
Bellum, belli (neut.)
[2nd Declension]
1. War
Consilium, consilii (neut.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Deliberation (act of deliberation)
2. Plan, advice, intention (resulting from deliberation)
3. Judgement (or capacity to deliberate)
4. Council (or group of people who deliberate)
Donum, doni (neut.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Gift
Factum, facti (neut.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Deed
Ferrum, ferri (neut.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Iron
2. Sword (rhetorical device)
Oppidum, oppidi (neut.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Town
Periculum, periculi (neut.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Danger
Verbum, verbi (neut.)
[2nd Declension]
1. Word