Learn the Spanish Language - Unit 6 Part 1 Shop for Clothes Flashcards
la ropa
the clothes
Verde o azul?
Green or blue?
la tienda
the store
Una tienda
A store
Mi hija tiene una tienda de ropa
My daughter has a clothes store
la camisa
the shirt
Una chaqueta
A jacket
Yo necesito una chaqueta
I need a jacket
Una camisa azul
A blue shirt
Yo quiero una camisa
I want a shirt
gris (greece)
la camiseta
the t-shirt
Tu comes pan?
Do you eat bread?
el sombrero
the hat
el vestido (vestida)
the dress
un vestido gris
A gray dress
Este vestido
This dress
Yo quiero comprar una chaqueta
I want to buy a jacket
Yo quiero comprar ropa
I want to buy clothes
Yo quiero comprar una camisa
I want to buy a shirt
rojo (roho)
la falda
the skirt
una falda
a skirt
el abrigo
the coat
Ese sombrero
That hat
Un vestido caro
an expensive dress
Una falda diferente
A different skirt
ese sombrero
That hat
el regalo
the gift
la cartera
the purse
una cartera azul
a blue purse
el centuron
the belt
un cinturon caro
An expensive belt
el reloj (raylow)
the watch
Demasiado elegante
too elegant
Este reloj es demasiado caro
This watch is too expensive
Yo quiero ropa comoda
I want comfortable clothes
You quiero comprar una chaqueta
I want to buy a jacket
Yo necesito un vestido rojo
I need a red dress
Yo quiero comprar una camisa
I want to buy a shirt
Este reloj es demasiado caro
This watch is too expensive
Es demasiado caro!
It is too expensive
Un regalo para my hija
A gift for my daughter
Yo quiero comprar un regalo
I want to buy a gift
Yo necesito un vestido rojo
I need a red dress
una pregunta
a question
estoy ocupado
I’m busy
Hay un (eyeoon)
There is
partido de futbol importante
important soccer game
Let’s go
De verdad?
un videojuego nuevo (videowaygo)
a new video game
no voy a la escuela
I’m not going to school
que facil!
how easy!
Voy a la tienda!
I am going to the store!
Es un partido muy bueno!
It’s a very good game!
Que necesitas?
What do you need?
Donde estas?
Where are you?
partido de futbol
soccer game
La luna de miel
The Honeymoon
Ana esta in un taxi
Ana is in a taxi
necesito ir
I need to go
Esta bien
No son vacaciones
It’s not a vacation
Tengo un boleto para Mardid
I need a ticket to Madrid
Bueno . . .
well . . .
mi ciudad favorita!
my favorite city
mi luna de miel
my honeymoon
Tengo una esposa muy dificil
I have a very difficult wife
with me
Elle no quiere ir a Madrid conmigo
She doesn’t want to go to Madrid with me
Estoy muy triste (treesaty)
I am very sad
Estamos en el aeropuerto
we are at the airport
Una muher con una maleta corre en direccion al taxi
A woman with a suitcase runs towards the taxi
lo siento mucho
I am very sorry
Te quiero
I love you
Yo tambien te quiero
I love you too
Disfruten de su luna de miel
Enjoy your honeymoon
yo hablo
tu hablas
el/elle habla
to speak
I speak
you speak
he/she speaks
Yo compro una bicicleta
yo compro
tu compras
el/ella compra
I bought
you bought
he/she bought
tu pagas, ella paga
You pay, she pays
yo necesito
tu necesitas
el/ella necesita
I want
you want
he/she wants
el compra manzanas
He bought apples
El necesita un telefono
He needs a phone
yo pago, ella paga
I pay, she pays
Tu necesitas un taxi?
Do you want a taxi?
yo pago
tu pagas
el/ella paga
I pay
you pay
he/she pays
tu compras una casa?
you bought a house?
Ella habla espanol
She speaks Sapnish
Tu comes pan?
Do you eat bread?
yo bebo agua
I am drinking water
vivir (bayveere)
yo vivo
tu vives
el/ella vive
I live
you live
he/sje lives
ella quiero, yo quiero
she wants, I want
La mujer bebe agua
the woman is drinking water
tu comes, ella come
you eat, she eats
tu quieres una ensalada?
Do you want a salad?
yo como
tu comes
el/ella come
I eat
you eat
he/she eats
tu vives, el vive
you live, he lives
yo vivo aqui, tu vives aqui
I live here, you live here?
Tu bebes café, ella bebe café
You drink coffee, she drinks coffee
yo quiero
tu quieres
el/ella quiere
I want
you want
he/she wants
La mujer vive en un apartamento
The woman lives in an apartment
beber (baybere)
you bebo
tu bebes
el/ella bebe
I drink
you drink
he/she drinks
yo soy
tu eres
el/ella es
to be
I am
you are
he/she is
yo estoy
tu estas
el/ella esta
to be
I am
you are
he/she is
yo tengo
tu tienes
el/ella tiene
to have
I have
you have
he/she has
yo tengo un abuelo
I have a grandfather
ella tiene un carro
she has a car
tu estas el esta
you are, he is
tu tienes un hermano?
Do you have a brother
tu eres un hombre
you are a man
Yo estoy aqui, tu estas aqui
I am here, you are here
yo soy, yo estoy, yo tengo
I am, I am, I have
Mi passaporte esta aqui
My passport is here
yo tengo, tu tienes, ella tiene
I have, you have, she has
Tu tienes una reserva? Yo tengo una reserva.
Do you have a reservation? I have a reservation
El come una ensalada
He is eating a salad
el come, el habla
He eats, he speaks
yo vivo (beevo), tu vives (beeves), el vive (beevay)
I live, you live, He lives
Ella quiere pagar
She wants to pay
tu necesitas, yo necesito
you need, I need
tu estas, tu eres
you are, you are
ella tiene, tu tienes
she has, you have
mi passaporte esta aqui
My passport is here