Lean Startup - Module 6 Flashcards
The Lean Startup takes its name from the lean manufacturing revolution that ___________ and _______________ are credited with developing at ____________
- Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo
- Toyota
_____________ is radically altering the way supply chains and production systems are run.
Lean thinking
It proposing that entrepreneurs
judge their progress differently from the way other kinds of ventures do. Progress in manufacturing is measured by the production of high-quality physical goods.
Lean Startup
It asks people to start measuring their productivity differently
Lean Startup
The goal of this is to figure out the right thing to build—the thing customers want and will pay
for—as quickly as possible
A new way of looking at the
development of innovative new products that emphasizes fast iteration and customer insight, a huge vision, and great ambition, all at the same time.
Lean Startup
Enumeration: How the Lean Startup Works
- Identify the beliefs about what must be true in order for the startup to succeed.
- Create an experiment to test those assumptions as quickly and inexpensively as possible.
- Think like a scientist. Treat each experiment as an opportunity to learn what’s working and
what’s not. - Take the learning from each experiment and start the loop over again.
- On a regular schedule (cadence), make a decision about whether to make a change in strategy (pivot) or stay the course (persevere).
. Identify the beliefs about what must be true in order for the startup to succeed
leap-of-faith assumptions
Create an experiment to test those assumptions as quickly and inexpensively as possible
minimum viable product
Treat each experiment as an opportunity to learn what’s working and what’s not
validated learning
Take the learning from each experiment and start the loop over again.
build-measure-learn feedback loop.
The goal of this is to find the fastest possible path to realizing this vision
Lean Startup
make a change in strategy means?
stay the course means?
regular schedule means?
TorF: The specifics of how to arrive at the answers will, of course, look the same for each project
Enumeration: The Tools and Processes of Lean Startup
- Leap-of-Faith Assumptions (LOFA)
- Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
- Validated Learning
- Build-Measure-Learn
- Pivot or Persevere
they embody the company’s current guess at how its strategy will lead to the realization of its vision
Leap-of-Faith Assumptions (LOFA)
the best we can do is form
a set of hypotheses—in the scientific sense—about what we’d like to see happen they are called?
Leap-of-Faith Assumptions (LOFA)
TorF: The reason to run experiments is to discover customers’ revealed
preferences through their behavior.
TorF: Design experiments that allow you to observe it.
TorF: Every vision for a business is based on assumptions about what is impossible to build, what customers want, what kind of customers want it, what distribution channels are available
TorF: Every part of a business plan contains assumptions.
Once we’ve gathered predictions and assumptions and articulated value and growth hypotheses, the
next step is to build an experiment called?
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
It is an early version of a new product that allows a team to collect the maximum amount of
validated learning about
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
learning based on real data gathering rather than guesses about the future
validated learning
TorF: It will minimize the number of LOFAs tested while also minimizing cost, time, and effort.
It is the time elapsed between receiving an order from the
customer and delivering a high-quality product at a good price.
fundamental cycle time
For a startup “innobation factory”, it defines as how much time elapses between having an idea and validating whether that idea is brilliant or crazy
fundamental cycle time
TorF: Teams that drive down the validation cycle time are much more likely to find product/market fit, because it decreases the probability of success.
It quickly turns an idea into something real—even if imperfect—in order to
begin the process of iterating and retesting
minimum viable product