Lean Six Sigma - WvG Flashcards
To learn the Lean Green Belt examination
What is Gemba?
Gemba betekent in het Japans: ‘de plaats waar de waarheid gevonden kan worden’ oftewel de plaats waar waarde toegevoegd wordt.
KAIZEN - Noem alle fases van Kaizen?
DAGPIC - Define, Analyse, generate idears, plan, implement and control
What is Process efficiency?
This is the Processing time / Lead time
How to calculated the overall quality of a process
Simple. Calculate the quality of step 1 x Q step 2 x Q step 3. Where quality is the number of correctlt delivered goods divided by the incorrectly delivered goods.
FLOW - What elements belong to Visual Management?
- Andon
- Visual WorkPlace
- Planbord
- Onderhanden Work
Additional tools for reducing cycle time and improving workflow.
- SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dics) - quick changeovers. - Single piece flow vs. batch. - Cell Designs / Layouts.
What does Poka Yoke mean?
Mistake proofing - make it impossible for an error to reach the customer. -mistake prevention - prevent errors from occurring -mistake detection - generate an alert as an error is about to occur or just occurred.
What is Poka Joke?
Pokayoke is een Japanse term en betekent letterlijk ‘fouten voorkomen’. Een Pokayoke is simpel mechanisme (in gereedschappen, producten, hulpmiddelen) om defecten te voorkomen. Pokayokes hoeven niet duur te zijn, zo lang ze de fouten maar voorkomen.
TIMWOODT - What is waste of waiting time?
This is tje time lost when you can not start working on a task.
What is the benefit of flow for the client?
Shorter and more trusty leadtime
Why use Six Sigma as a metric?
- Six Sigma is a more sensitive indicator than percentage. 2. Common metric makes comparisons easier.
Fishbone (Ishikawa)/Cause and Effect Diagram - How To
- Utilize a team approach 2. Define the problem statement/effect 3. Start by answering to “Cause” and “Why?” under each category
What is common course variation?
Common cause is always present to some degree in the process. A Special Cause is something different happening at a certain time or place.
How do you perform an FMEA?
List down the failure modes (what could go wrong?). List down the failure causes (why would the failure happen?) List down the failure effects (what would be the consequences of each failure?)
Where can you find the Gemba?
Focus op de Gemba om meer waarde te creëren. Binnen productieorganisaties wordt de werkvloer vaak aangeduid als de Gemba. Andere organisaties hebben weer een andere Gemba. Verbeteringen op de Gemba leiden tot verbeteringen in de resultaten. Het is dus zeer belangrijk om op de Gemba te focussen.
What is a scatterplot?
The scatter diagram graphs pairs of numerical data, with one variable on each axis, to look for a relationship between them. If the variables are correlated, the points will fall along a line or curve. The better the correlation, the tighter the points will hug the line.
EZERMAN - What is the model of EZERMAN (Weerstand)
This model shows how to handle over time:
- deny and observe
- Inform
- Support
- Negotiate
- Convince
- Force
What are the goals of an alignment chart?
To connect the startegic goals with the operational targets
TIMWOODT - How to remove costs of defects?
- Implement one piece flow
- Implement Poka Yoke en 100% source control
- Implement quality program’s
- Six Sigma
- Kaizen and Continue improvements
What are some common issues with poor problem statements?
Problem is anecdotal or not quantifiable, problem is not linked to a customer expectation, or the problem is stated as a pre-determined solution.
How can i find quick wins?
Look at old non maintained process Create a simplified process map use your healthy brain
What is CODN?
The Cost of Doing Nothing
What kind of diagram do you use for attribute (discreate) data?
Pareto diagrams.
What is Six Sigma?
Six Sigma is a philosophy and approach of process improvement based on reduction of process variation to consistently meet and exceed customer requirements.
TIMWOODT - What is Wast of transport?
Unnecessary movements between process steps?
What is run time?
This is the production time that is needed to produce the required number of units The run time is used to calculated the Set up time. Example: Runtime product a = Cycle timea x Volume
What are the most important aspevcts of a pilot. What is it?
- Small scale
- Representative fo the whole process
- test of solution and implementation aspects
- Will make next implementation easier
- removes (children’s illnesses)
Team Facilitation - Directing
-Clarify Team Member roles and resposibilities -Establish procedures -gather necessary Resources
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (OF IMPROVEMENT) What are the three steps of a Detailed workplan?
1. Make a work breakdown structure with all tasks/Deliverables
- Define the milestones
- Define all activities needed to get the tasks done / deliverables delivered
Why collect data?
- To gather the facts for good decision making. - Because perception and intuition are not always reality. - To identify/verify problem areas and bottlenecks. - to characterize or processes. - to baseline the process. - As an indicator of process performance.
What are the specific rules used in a kanban production system?
Er zijn een aantal regels waar een Kanban pullproductie systeem aan moet voldoen:
- Processen stroomafwaarts onttrekken precies het benodigde aantal onderdelen uit de buffers stroomopwaarts. Het aantal wat onttrokken kan worden, hangt van het aantal Kanbans (= aantal kaarten in omloop) af.
- Elke processtap produceert het aantal onderdelen wat op de Kanban vermeld staat. Dit gebeurt in de volgorde waarin de Kanbans liggen (vaak first-in-first-out).
- Een Kanban is vrijwel altijd gekoppeld aan een mandje, kar, container, bak of iets dergelijks. Geen Kanban betekent geen productie.
- Alleen defectvrije onderdelen mogen geleverd worden. Indien er defecten optreden, dient de oorzaak direct opgelost te worden.
- Het productieproces moet gestroomlijnd worden om de productie te balanceren. Variatie in de vraag wordt ondervangen door het aantal Kanbans aan te passen.
- Het aantal Kanbans wordt langzaam verminderd om het onderhandenwerk te verlagen. Hierbij komen verspillingen aan het licht die geëlimineerd moeten worden.
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (OF IMPROVEMENT) - What is an an Problem analyses?
This is an overview of risks and coutermeasures to minimize this risk
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (OF IMPROVEMENT) - What are the high level items of Benefit Tracking?
- Overview of the budget needed to do the implementation
- Overview of the Benefits comming from the implementation
What is Quality function deployment
a “method to transform user demands into design quality, to deploy the functions forming quality, and to deploy methods for achieving the design quality into subsystems and component parts, and ultimately to specific elements of the manufacturing process.
What are the steps of the DMAIC Measure phase?
- Develop detailed process flow (VSM, process map, SIPOC) 2. Identify X’s, Y’s, and other process variables 3. Create a data collection plan 4. Create a data analysis plan 5. Use measurement system analysis and Gage R&R 6. Collect data to establish baseline 7. Update VSM with data 8. Plan and execute pilot projects
What is the pacemaker loop in a VSM?
This is the loop that must follow the tactime to create the required volume. This is the critical path
How do you perform SMED?
De SMED methodologie bestaat uit 4-stappen.
- Identificeer interne en externe activiteiten.
Observeer de huidige methode en identificeer interne en externe omstelactiviteiten. Interne activiteiten zijn diegene die enkel uitgevoerd kunnen worden wanneer het systeem gestopt is. Externe activiteiten kunnen uitgevoerd terwijl de activiteit bezig is. Bijvoorbeeld: het halen van gereedschap vóór de machine stopt)
Maak van interne activiteiten, externe activiteiten indien mogelijk.
- Verbeter alle aspecten van de set-up (intern en extern).
De volgende stap is om de interne en externe activiteiten te gaan verbeteren om zo tijd te winnen op beide gebieden. De focus ligt hierbij op standaardisatie en versimpeling. De verbeteringen moeten doorgezet worden totdat in principe elke batchgrootte gemaakt kan worden. Uiteindelijk moet de set-up tijd een minimale invloed hebben op de voorraadkosten. De verbeteringen moeten er voor moeten zorgen dat de operators of de medewerkers van de werkvloer de omstelling zelf uit kunnen voeren. Shingo stelde dat alle onderdelen maar een keer aangeraakt moeten worden om de setup maximaal 10 minuten te laten duren. Dit wordt ook wel het ‘one-touch exchange of dies’ genoemd.
- Sluit omstellingen uit.
Het uiteindelijke doel is om omstellingen te voorkomen en het liefst helemaal af te schaffen. Hieronder staan drie mogelijkheden om dit te bereiken.
Reduceer en elimineer verschillen tussen onderdelen. Des te minder verschillen er tussen de producten zijn, des te minder omstellingen er benodigd zijn.
Maak verschillende onderdelen in een keer. Een voorbeeld. Twee onderdelen worden elk apart uit een plaat geponst. Door het aanpassen van de stempel kunnen de producten tegelijk uit de plaat worden geponst. Dit scheelt een omstelling.
- Laat machines maximaal 1 item produceren.
De SMED-methode kan zeer goed passen binnen productieomgevingen waarbij de series laag zijn en de variatie in de gevraagde producten hoog is. Door het verkorten van de set-up tijd wordt de doorlooptijd korter.
What three types of maintenance exzist in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
- “Autonoom onderhoud
- Gepland onderhoud
- Onderhoud op basis van toestand, predictive maintenance”
What is the enemy of member satisfaction?
Variation and Waste
What are inventory days?
The number of days of inventory do i have in place compared to the sales rate. (RM + WIP + FG) x Days per Year / (Annual costs of goods )
What is value stream?
It is the entire set of activities performed to transform the products and services into what is required by the customer.
What is the leadtime
Time between receiving the product or service and the ordering of the product or service Calculated as : bewerkingstijd + wachtijd + omsteltijd +reparatietijd = processing time + waiting time + repair time Example: If a client orders a car on tuesday and receives the car and keys tuesday one week later the lead time is one week.
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (OF IMPROVEMENT) What is the trainsplan about (Two types large and small)?
- For small changes communicate the change and discuss the changed procedures
- For large changes or complex changes arrange a training program.
What does DPMO stand for?
Defects per million opportunities
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (OF IMPROVEMENT) What items does the benefit tracking mention in more detail?
- Regulary expence
- Estimation of costs
- Benefits company
- Bennefits client
- Non financial benefitds
What does a Six Sigma Organization do?
Use Six Sigma tools to improve performance by: 1. Continuously lowering costs 2. Growing revenue 3. Improving customer satisfaction 4. Increase capability and capacity 5. Reduce complexity 6. Lower cycle time 7. Minimize defects and errors
Wat is Takt time?
Dat is de netto beschikbare productie tijd gedeeld door de klantvraag Bijvoorbeeld: Als mensen 200 uur op het werk zijn en 80% beschikbaar voor het werk, en ze moeten 10000 dinkgen maken dan. geldt dat ze 160 / 10000 seconden de tijd hebben voor 1 ding.
What is Value Added Steps?
Performance, cost, time. -Value added steps are defined as steps that are necessary/required to deliver a product/service to the member. - Project should focus to eliminate/reduce non-value added activities in order to: –improve performance, function, etc. – decrease cost (lower price). – deliver the product or service faser (lower cycle time).
What is a stakeholder chart?
Shows per stakeholder whether he is against neutral or in favour of project. In graph with y=influence stakeholder on project and x=impact project on stakeholder
TIMWOODT - How to remove inventory
- Create one piece flow
- reduce SMED
- Implement Pull
- Remove variation
- Remove any waste
What is Jidoka / autonomation stand for?
Het principe Jidoka staat voor het automatisch inbouwen van kwaliteit. De werknemer en/of machine hebben de autonomie om het hele proces stil te leggen wanneer een defect is gesignaleerd.
Jidoka wordt gebruikt om producten defectvrij te produceren. Een product mag pas de volgende productiestap als deze defectvrij is. Het proces wordt handmatig en/of automatisch stilgelegd wanneer een defect optreedt. Het proces kan stilgelegd worden door bijvoorbeeld een lijnstop. Vaak gaat een lijnstop gepaard met een Andon. Dit is een lampje of iets dergelijks dat gaat branden bij een defect, zodat duidelijk is waar het defect opgetreden is.
Het is misschien een raar idee om de autonomie voor bijvoorbeeld een lijnstop bij de medewerker neer te leggen. Dit zorgt er wel voor dat er defectvrije halfabrikaten/producten worden gemaakt. Een defect product leidt in vele gevallen tot extra handelingen verderop in het proces en dit moet voorkomen worden.
Door het hele proces direct stil te leggen bij het optreden van een defect, kan de oorzaak direct gevonden worden. Het direct oplossen van problemen zorgt in de toekomst voor een defectvrij product.
What are examples of discrete (countable) data?
Number of defects, number of failures, number of wrong fax numbers
What things to keep in mind when reviewing your IPO/SIPOC
- Are all of the critical to customer outputs included. - Have you ensured that the outputs are measureable. - Have your considered measures related to better, faster, & lower cost. - Have you indicated your primary project measure(s) of the IPO/SIPOC diagram.
What is the benefit for the company?
Reduced inventory Reduced inventory maintenance Less risk of non sold products Less risk when product is not correctly produced that it was a large batch Less work floor space les management
Why are we here?
- Best in class quality. - Business PROFITABILTY. - Customer/Member VALUE
What are the two main advantages of flow?
Less lead time (doorlooptijd) en less inventory (voorraad)
What is a SIPOC?
A high-level process map. Supplier Input Process Output Customer
What is the Deming Cycle?
Een systematische probleemoplossingmethode of verbetercyclus waarbij een voorstel (plan) wordt gedaan voor een verbetering, deze geïmplementeerd (do) en daarna gemeten (check). Hierna worden benodigde acties ondernomen (act).
A SIPOC represents the following: a) Supplier, Inputs, Processes, Outputs, Customers b) Suppliers, Improvements, Processes, Output, Customers c) Suppliers, Improvements, Processes, Outputs, Controls
a) Supplier, Inputs, Processes, Outputs, Customers
What are the phases and steps of an FMEA?
Analyze Phase: 1. Review the process 2. Brainstorm potential failure modes 3. List potential effects of failure 4. Assign severity rankings 5. Assign occurrence rankings 6. Assign detection rankings 7. Calculate RPNs Improve Phase 1. Develop the action plan 2. Take action 3. Calculate the resulting RPNs
Wat is de Pitch tijd?
Dat is de takt tijd x the containersize De takt tijd is de netto beschikbare productie tijd / benodigde productie. Example: De takttijd= 100 , de container size is 50 dus the pitch tijd = 500
What is CTC?
Critical to Customer
TIMWOODT - What is waste of inventory
Wating time between process steps
Tuckmans norming stage attributes
-sense of team cohesion -acceptance of membership on team -works together productively and effectively -team members use constructive criticism -address team dysfunction
Tuckmans performing stage attributes
-members have more insight into each others strengths and weaknesses -team members feel satisfaction and pride regarding team progress -team members develop attachment to team -constructive self-change -effective at solving group problems
What is Failure Mode and Effects Analysis?
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) allows an assessment of the risk to customers if a key process input were to fail. FMEA also helps to determine what actions to take to minimize this risk.
Team Facilitation - Facilitating
-Remove technical and political roadblocks -make sure Team has constant and appropriate recognition and reward
What are some Best Practices for Teams?
- Start each meeting with PACER. (purpose, agenda, code of conduct (gound rules), expectations, roles & responsibilities. - Utilizing a parking lot for capturing ideas not directly related to the topic or for those issues which you want to temporary set aside. - Do an evaluation at end of meeting (plus/delta, short survey). - Capture action items and summarize/review them at the conclusion of the meeting. - Use data to support beliefs and options. - Encourage questions and always check for understanding. - Involve everyone; emphasize participation.
Cost of Waste?
Measuring & understanding the cost of poor quality.
TIMWOODT - How to remove waiting time?
- Implement an one piece flow
- Use Standard work
- Develop a procedure for “maatwqerk”
A type of process map that shows what the unit is doing along with information flow
Value Stream Map
What are some common team problems?
- Disagreement (emotiion run high; there are many legitimate differences of opinions). You could fix this by talking as a team, parking lot, make discussion based on data - Power and Authority (managers or others discourage discussion; team members don’t feel free to say what they think). You can fix this by having all write down on sticky. - Overbearing “experts” (experts discourage discussion about their areas of expertise, technical jargon and complex principles referred to without explanation). - Lack of focus (several topics discussed at the same time, lots of distractions, little progress is maade). You can fix this by an agenda, bell, ringer. - Uneven participation (some team member talk too much, while others talk too little). - Lack of follow-through (tasks don’t get done on time, people don’t do their assignments between meetings). You could fix this by having agenda with their name.
What is Andon?
Andon is het Japanse woord voor ‘lamp’. Een Andon is een visueel middel om de status van een proces aan te geven.
What is CTQ?
Critical to Quality
Why are Lean Six Sigma projects important?
- Help learn and accelerate use of tools. - Focused on knowledge. - Linked to Business goals, bottom line improvements. - Customer satisfaction.
What is the delivery rate?
This is the number of Delivered goods to the client per time unit Example: if you produce 365 cars in a year the Delivery rate is 1 car per year
What is SMED?
Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) staat synoniem voor snel omstellen. De focus ligt op het verlagen van omsteltijden. De SMED-methode is ontwikkeld door Shigeo Shingo.
What is a control chart?
Graphs used to study how a process changes over time.
DMAIC - What is the method to go to next DMAIC phase?
A tollgate . Available shpould be the sponsor, process owner,
What is a FMEA?
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) allows an assessment of the risk to customers if a key process input were to fail. FMEA also helps to determine what actions to take to minimize this risk. Failure Mode Effect Analysis -Failure Mode - the way in which a specific input fails -Effect - the impact on the customer requirements due to the failure mode -cause - the source of process variation that causes the failure mode to occur -controls - systematic methods in place to prevent or detect failure modes or causes
What is the purpose of the DMAIC Improve phase?
To learn from pilots of the selected solutions and execute full-scale implementation.
What is the advantage of a pilot?
- Improves the solution
- Improves the implementation plan
- Creates awareness and acceptance of the solution
- Faster overall implementation
- Less riscs
- Identifier better the cost bennefits of the solution
KAIZEN- What is the secod step?
“Analyse the problem thoroughly without solving it and coming , Root Cause analyses.
with improvement proposals.
What is the Supplier loop in a VSM?
This the way in which the the raw materials are delivered to the company including the communication, orders to the supplier. The raw material suppermarket is part of the supplier loop.
What are some external failure costs?
External Failure Costs. - Customer complaint investigation. - Returned goods. - Retrofit costs. - Recall costs. - Warranty claims. - Liaability costs. - Penalties. - Customer/User Goodwill. - Premium Freight (overnight). - Pricing Errors.
A 4 sigma company will spend > XXX% of revenue on internal and external repair.
What are the Enemies of Member Satisfaction?
variation & Waste
What is the purpose of the DMAIC Measure phase?
To thoroughly understand the current state of the process and collect reliable data on process speed, quality, and costs that you will use to expose the underlying causes of the problems.
True or False: In a normal distribution, the interval created by the mean plus or minus 6 standard deviations contains 99.9999998% of the data
What is TPM
Total Product Maintenance
Who is accountable for writing a project charter?
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (OF IMPROVEMENT) - How to create an communication plan?
- Make inventory of stakeholders
- Define the communication goals
- Define the communication strategy
- Organise the communication
- Execute the communication
- Manage the commuincation
- Make costs transparant and arange budget
What is knowledge based management (KBM)?
- Questions managers need to ANSWER. - Questions managers need to ASK. - Tool & Techniques to answer questions & improve the scorecard.
What are SOP?
standard operating procedures
What are some benefits of Lean Six Sigma to the organization?
- Expand knowledge. - Decrease in defects & cycle time. - Improved Customer satisfaction. - Business growth. - Improved profitability. - Improved communication & teamwork. - Common set of tools & techniques.
Benefits of reducing changeover time.
- Higher productivity. - Flexibility. - Employee Benefits - simpler/safer. - Standardization - right equips and tools at right place at right time.
What are the items of an alignment chart?
- “Strategic objective
- Value Stream Costs
- Value Stream Measures
- Critical Succes Factors
- Goals
- Measures”
What are the 8 clasic types of waste?
Internal Failure Costs. - Defects. - Over Production. - Waiting. - Non Utilized Talent. - Transportation. - Inventory. - Motion. - Extra Processing.
What are the top 10 reasons project teams fail?
- A silent sponsor. 2. Under- or over-facilitiation. 3. The charter is unclear or absent. 4. Lack of planning through the project phases. 5. Inadequate communication with key stakeholders. 6. Team is the wrong size or has the wrong members. 7. Lack of a process or excessive focus on process (including DMAIC). 8. Weak or non-existent alignment with what is critical to the customer or the business. 9. Lack of data suitable for baselines or root cause analysis. 10. Lack of time commitment from team members, their supervisors, sponsors, or other stakeholders.
What is Overall Equipment Effectiviness?
That is OOE used in the method Total Product Maintenance.. This is calculated as the Average Availability x Performance x Quality. The availability rate / uptime available production time - unplanned non uptime including SMED/ divided by tot availability Performance = taktime / cycle time Quality = Products delivered with correct quality / products delivered with incorrect quality.
TIMWOODT - How to remove overproduction?
- Good Sales and Operations planning (S&OP)
- Produce according to taktime
- Heijunka planning (Use a heijunkabox to steer the different production processes)
What are the critical drivers for succesfull change management?
- Leadership (voorbeeld gedrag)
- Create accceptance all over de organisation (s ee also kotter how to do it)
- Create will to change / eagerness
- Focus, goal vision (Be clear)
- Momentum
- Communication (to create draagvlag and show timing / duration)
- Team orientation
- Adaptation capabilities
- Responsability
- Knowledge and skills
- Acknowledgement of people (who are willing to change ), respect.
What is SMART standing for?
SMART: S = Specific. M = Measurable. A = Achievable. R = Relevant. T = Time Bound.
What is CNX?
- C=Constant - control via mistake proofing & standard operating procedures (SOP). 2. N=Noise - SOP. 3. X=Experimental.
What are the steps of the DMAIC Analyze phase?
- Identify value-added, non-value-added, and value-enabling activities. 2. Calculate business/process efficiency 3. Analyze the process flow 4. Analyze the data collected in the Measure phase 5. Generate theories to explain potential causes 6. Narrow the search 7. Collect additional data to verify root causes
What is the purpose of the DMAIC control phase?
To complete project work and hand off improved processes with procedures for maintaining the gains
What two types of Poka Joke do we have?
De eerste variant bestaat uit controlerende en waarschuwende Pokayokes. Deze varianten vallen binnen de categorie ‘regulerende’ Pokayokes.
Een lijnstop is een goed voorbeeld van een controlerende Pokayoke.
Een Andon die gaat branden bij een abnormaliteit is een voorbeeld van een waarschuwende Pokayoke.
Daarnaast zijn er nog de Pokayokes die rekening houden met de plaatsing van een product en het vaste aantal handelingen per product,
Bij een computer heeft elke kabel zijn eigen kleur en vorm. Hierdoor kun je een stekker niet meer verkeerd plaatsen.
Daarnaast kan een Pokayoke ook rekening houden met het vaste aantal handelingen die verricht moeten worden.
Een voorbeeld hiervan is een product dat op 4 vaste punten gelast moet worden. Het product wordt eerst vastgeklemd. Deze klemmen laten pas los wanneer er 4 maal gelast is.
Ideale pokayokes zijn goedkoop, eenvoudig en gemakkelijk te implementeren. Ze zijn afgestemd op de specifieke behoefte en ontwikkeld door de medewerkers zelf.
What is a line balancing chart
A chatr that shows the different cycle times per process
relative to the tact time
For variable (numeric) data which graphs could you run?
Graphs = - Histogram. - Run Chart. - Control Chart. - Scatter Plot. - Box Plot. Metric, Measure = - Mean, Standard Deviation. - Defects per million (DPM). - Sigma Level. - Sigma Capabiltiy. - Capaility Index (Potential) (Cp) and/or Capability Index (Actual) (Cpk).
What is “critical to quality”?
These are the lean metrics and limits defined that represent the voice of the customer and the voice of the business. Ameasure is related to a customer requirement business requirement
What are 3 strategies for understanding the common cause variation?
- Stratification 2. Disaggregation 3. Experimentation
7 tools the Quality - Histogram
- Histogram – It looks very much like a bar chart. it is used to identify the frequency of occurrence of a variable in a set of data.
What are the Costs of Poor Quality?
COPQ. Examples: - Rework. - Test Inspections. - Lost Opportunity Cost, etc.
What is the “Voice of the Customer” (VOC)?
Voice of the Customer (VOC) is used to describe customer’s needs and their perceptions of your product or service.
A fishbone diagram is best used when: a) soliciting background information from the client b) brainstorming potential input variables c) identifying interaction between different x variables d) determining the effect of x variables on y
b) brainstorming potential input variables
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (OF IMPROVEMENT) -What are the five components of an implementation plan?
- Analyses of issues in the implementation
- Trainings plan
- Communication plan
- Benefit tracking
- Detailed workplan
What do the 5’s stand for?
- Sort - Identify what is needed. - Set in Order - Determine a place for needed items…identify the storage place with clear markings. - Shine - clean the office and maintain the equipment. - Standardize - Office procedures, systems, and policies. - Sustain - Review regularly the SOPs and insure compliance. It promotes SAFETY. - Shine. - Sustain. - Setup. - Standardize.
What are examples of continuous (measurement) data?
Length, height, weight, volume, time
What are the three types of verspilling in Japanese?
Muda (Verspilling), Mura (oneffenheid) and Muri (Overbelasting)
7 tools the Quality - Stratification charts
- Flow Chart (Stratification Charts) - This tool is used to identify the patterns within the data collected from multiple sources and clubbed together. It is used to identify the meaning of the vast data by identifying patterns.
What are the benefits of process mapping?
Gives a picture of the process Identifies rework loops and redundancies Gives insight to bottlenecks, cycle times, and inventory Helps identify when and where to collect data Serves as a sound training and orientation tool
Why is VOC important?
It: - Helps determine what products & services to offer. - Identifies critical features - Helps determine where to focus improvements. - Serves as a baseline of customer satisfaction to measure against.