Leads Flashcards
unwilling to accept the news he had just received from the doctors, he lowered his head in defeat. His mother sat speechless in a corner , one tear rolling down her face as she saw her son’s chance to claim a state wrestling medal disappear because his heart just wouldn’t allow it.
Dan Howell, Jr. Knows what they say in the hallways. They say he’ll be a terrible quarterback. That he’s too short. That he can’t see squat past the six feet something offensive linemen. That he’s cocky. That he’ll never amount to anything. That he’ll never be his dad.
“Coach Hawkins!” Brad Hawkins, the longtime Westlake athletic trainer, recognized Coach Steven Ramsey’s voice over the noise of the spectators behind him. But he had never heard Ramsey’s voice like that. Hawkins ran to Ramsey, who was cruches over varsity player Matt Nader pleading with the athlete. “Hang in there. Don’t leave us. Everythin is going to be all right.”
Direct quote
Junior Josh Dun Has a fetish. Or She never knew she had it.
Startling statement