Leading Flashcards
“the process of influencing
and supporting others to work enthusiastically toward achieving
setting and achieving goals,
tackling competition, and solving problems decisively and
The action of leading a group of people or an organization
Leadership (Oxford)
about taking risks and challenging the status quo
Traits of Effective Leaders
- A High Level of Personal Drive
- Desire to Lead
- Personal Integrity
- Self-Confidence
- Analytical Ability or Judgment
- Knowledge of the Company, Industry, or Technology
- Charisma
- Creativity
- Flexibility
innate urge to attain a goal or satisfy a need. As
leaders, we rely on drive in ourselves, our teams, and our
organizations to achieve success.
very important leadership trait because of
the possibility of failure in every attempt to achieve certain
Give an example of person with high level of personal drive is
Paul Mediarito, plant director of the Polo plant of San Miguel Corporation
There are some people who have all the qualifications for
leadership, yet they cannot become leaders because they lack
one special requirement
the desire to lead
This is what is
called the royal jelly or the fire in the belly
Desire to lead
quality that exists at the convergence of consistent acts and firm beliefs. To put it another way, it’s a characteristic of people who always act honorably, even when no one is looking and specifically when it is challenging
necessary for leaders to take risks and
accomplish high goals
correlated with better strategy and
Analytical skills
When a person has sufficient personal magnetism that leads people to follow his directives, this person is said to have
the ability to combine existing data, experience, and preconditions from various sources in such a way that the results will be subjectively regarded as new, valuable, and innovative, and as a direct solution to an identified problem situation
Creativity (by Ronnie Millevo)
A leader who allows this situation as long as the required outputs are produced, is said to be
What are the Leadership Skills
Technical Skills
Human skills
Conceptual skills
the understanding of, and
proficiency in, a specific kind of activity, particularly one involving
methods, processes, procedures, or techniques
Technical skills
is the specialized knowledge needed to perform a job.
Technical skills
Ability to work effectively as a group member and to
build cooperative effort within the team he leads
Human skills
involves the ability to see the organization as a whole; “the ability: to think in abstract terms, to see how parts fit together to form the whole
conceptual skills
Refers to the ability of a leader to exert force on another
Leaders are said to be able to influence other of the ______ they posses
What are the bases of power
A person who occupies a higher position has ________ over persons in lower position within the organization
Legitimate power
When a person has the ability to give rewards to anybody who follows orders or requests, he is said to have ________.
reward power
Rewards may be classified to two forms
Material and psychic
Refer to money and other tangible benefits like cars
Material rewards
Consist of recognition, praises, etc.,
Psychic rewards
When a person compels another to comply with orders through threats or punishment
Coercive power
When a person get compliance from another because the latter would want to be identified with the former
Referent power
Experts provide specialized information regarding their specific lines of expertise.
Expert power
According to ______, integrity means and includes honesty, honor, incorruptibility, rectitude, righteousness, uprightness, and similar virtues
VK Saraf
Those in positions of leadership exhibit a pattern of behavior that is unique and different from other patterns, which is called
leadership style
several approaches used in classifying leadership styles
According to
a. ways leaders approach to motivate them
b. way the leader uses power
c. leaders orientation towards task and people
Ways leaders approach people
positive leadership
negative leadership
When the leader’s approach emphasizes rewards, the style used
positive leadership
When punishment is emphasized by the leader, the style is said
negative leadership
Ways leaders use power
Autocratic Leaders
Participative leaders
Leaders who make decisions themselves,
without consulting subordinates
. When a leader openly invites his
subordinates to participate or share in decisions, policy-making
and operation methods,
Participative Leaders
Leaders who set objectives and allow
employees or subordinates relative freedom to do whatever it takes to accomplish these objectives
Free-rein leaders
Leaders Orientation Toward Tasks and People
Employee oriented
Task oriented
when he considers employees as human beings of “intrinsic
importance and with individual and personal need” to satisfy,
according to Higgins
Employee orientation
he places
stress on production and the technical aspects of the job and
the employees are viewed as the means of getting the work
Task orientation
Contingency approaches to leadership styles
Fiedler’s contingency model
Hershey and Blanchard’s situational leadership model
Path goal model of leadership
Vroom’s decision making model
effort to determine through research
which managerial practices, and techniques are appropriate in specific
Contingency approach
According to _______, “leadership is effective when the leader’s style is appropriate to the situation
Fred Fiedler
The situational characteristics is
determined by three principal factors
- the relations between leaders and followers
- the structure of the task, and
- the power inherent in the leader’s position
The situational characteristics vary from organization to organization. To
be effective, the situation must fit the leader. If this is not so, the
following may be tried
- Change the leader’s trait or situations
- Select leaders who have traits or behaviors fitting the
situation. - Move leaders around in the organization until they are in
positions that fit them/ - Change the situation.
Suggests that the most important factor affecting the
selection of a leader’s style is the development (or maturity) level of
Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership Model
The leader should match his or her style to this _______
Maturity level
Maturity has two components
- job skills and knowledge, and
- psychological activity
elaborated on the leadership styles appropriate for the various maturity level of subordinates
Blanchard and others
Leadership styles for various maturity level
for people who lack competence but are
enthusiastic and committed
– is for people who have some competence
but lack commitment
– is for people who have competence but
lack confidence or motivation
people who have both competence
and commitment.
Directing, Coaching, Supporting, Delegating
Low ability + low willingness, Low ability + high willingness, High ability + low willingness, High ability + high willingness
stipulates that leadership can be made effective
because leaders can influence subordinate’s perceptions of their work
goals. personal goals, and paths to goal attainment
Path-Goal Model of Leadership
Who espoused Path-Goal Model of Leadership
Robert J. House and Terence R. Mitchell
By using the path-goal model, it is assumed that effective
leaders can enhance subordinate motivation by
- clarifying the subordinate’s perception of work goals,
- linking meaningful rewards with goal attainment, and
- explaining how goals and desired rewards can be achieve
The leadership styles which may be used by path-goal
proponents are as follows
Achievement oriented
where the leader focuses on clear task
assignments, standards of successful performance, and work
Directive leadership
where subordinates are treated as
equals in a friendly manner while striving to improve their wellbeing
where the leader consults with
subordinates to seek their suggestions and then seriously
considers those suggestions when making decisions.
where the leader set
challenging goals, emphasize excellence, and seek continuous
improvement while maintaining a high degree of confidence
that subordinated will mee difficult challenges in a responsible
one that prescribes the proper
leadership style for various situations, focusing on the appropriate
degrees of delegation of decision-making authority
Vroom’s decision-making model
Five distinct decision-making styles are identified under the
Vroom mode
Two of them are autocratic two others are consultative,
and one is group directed
Leader solves the problem or makes the decision himself using available information
Autocratic leader, A1
Leader obtains necessary information from subordinate then decides
Leader approaches subordinates individually getting their ideas then makes decision
COnsultative leader C1
Leader shares the problem with subordinates as a group obtaining their collective ideas and suggestions, then decides
Leader shares the problem with subordinates as a group. Lets the group generate and evaluate alternative solutions and then collectively decides
Group directed (G2)
delegated by higher management.
is earned and gained by leaders on
the basis of their personalities, activities, and the situations in
which they operate
A leadership model is a theoretical framework for how best to
manage employees
Tyler Lacoma
corresponding response style to employee
and organizational needs that has proven useful in that model
Leadership model